What To Write About?

Prophetically, I cannot tell you whether Trump will remain in the White House. I sense that God is watching the situation behind the scenes and making up His mind based on choices made by critical players. In the long run, it makes no difference — the USA is doomed. In the short run, it will affect what I write about, but not the underlying message.

So if Trump stays, I’ll be writing a lot about neocons and Zionists, along with encouraging people to defend their existing government from commies. If Biden is sworn in, I’ll be writing more about the idolatrous globalist agenda, and will include a lot of talk about how to handle persecution.

But here’s the underlying message: Don’t accept any explanation from the government. Both sides in this tug of war over the White House are liars; they might occasionally let the truth slip out accidentally, but don’t count on it. They are pathologically incapable to telling the truth willfully. God’s wrath is falling on the USA.

Trump wants to attack Iran. It appears he is ramping up for that very thing. I maintain that this would be a disaster, that God Himself opposes such an effort. I don’t have any details, only that I am utterly certain He will not allow it to succeed. We will lose a significant number of troops, along with their equipment. Even without this, him staying in the White House will provoke an armed communist revolt.

Biden wants to crush any dissent, and confiscate all private assets. Harris has vowed to her pagan deity that she will disarm the people and send them to concentration camps if they fail to bow at her feet. This will naturally provoke a right-wing armed uprising.

In other words, there will be war either way, and destruction here in the USA. That is something I will state as a prophetic word. It won’t be the same level of intensity everywhere in the USA, but it will come. I can tell you right now that some states will quickly move to withdraw as far as practical. There will be some places that are quite safe and the local economy will continue to function. However, much of the “just in time” delivery system will seize up and freight will stop flowing across many state lines. Some consumer goods will disappear from the shelves altogether. Some places will be worse than others on the remaining goods.

I ordered from eBay a fancy handlebar for my bicycle. It wasn’t available from any stores locally, so far as I could find. Things are already tight. The package should arrive on the first of next month. Anything later than that would be at high risk of never arriving, because the warfare could begin any day now. This is why I suggest you learn how to adapt, to plan for a highly localized existence in the real world. I can’t say what it will be like on the Internet; I’m praying the Lord keeps the lines of communication open.

I will tell you this: In terms of how you live from day to day, it will be far better when states secede and an armed right-wing backlash arises to confront the commies. The longer it takes for either of these two to happen, the more painful it will be for everyone. That’s both prophecy and common sense.

I’ll say it again: This is not the Roman Empire. The coming oppression and persecution is not the same thing, and does not call for the same response as in the New Testament. There’s nothing wrong with defending what’s left of the American government and American society until the Lord takes it away.

Meanwhile, as long as I can keep posting on either of my blogs, you’ll be reading messages about trusting God and preparing for whatever flavor of war and chaos is coming. May the Lord have mercy on us.

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One Response to What To Write About?

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    Interesting to note that Biden is Catholic–I think Kennedy was the only other Catholic president. Pence and Pelosi are Catholic to some degree as well. It might not mean much at all but it’s an interesting deviation.

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