Tied to Eternity

Satan’s Fall came primarily because he sought to claim divine glory for himself. The last thing we want to do is get trapped in that folly.

First, allow me to reiterate an important principle of Biblical Law: The faith of a minority within any covenant community will bring redemption into the lives of the whole. Indeed, at any given time in Israel’s history, there were never more than a minority who were truly heart-led servants of God. Yet this was enough covering for Him to pour out blessings on the nation as a whole. This is what Paul means when he suggests that the faith of one spouse can bless the other spouse and the children of that household.

This is why it’s critical to strive, if possible, to maintain a broken marriage where one spouse is not living by faith. It’s not ideal, but God may well turn things around at some point down the road. Give Him time to work in His way. Naturally, His Spirit can also warn you to get out of a situation that He has cursed, but we begin with the assumption that He will use us to bless folks who won’t seek it for themselves. Our shalom in dealing with our own family is a witness to folks outside the family.

This is a critical part of God’s agenda in this world. His glory is inextricably tied with our shalom. Seeking His glory is seeking shalom, and vice versa.

We are on the verge of testing one of my prophecies. Word has leaked from several military units that they have been put on alert for deployment. Currently the only talk about military action anywhere is in Iran. I’ve warned that God will not let such an attack succeed. For the sake of our troops, I hope Trump is dissuaded from doing this. But for the sake of God’s glory, I sincerely pray that if he goes ahead and orders an attack, that the failure is fully visible and unmistakable.

Bro. Ed wants no glory if this works out as I believe. I have no way of guessing how widely my prophetic warning is known, but I honestly worry a bit that if this proceeds as I believe, then some notice will come to me on that account. I don’t want that kind of fame. What I want is for folks to realize that prophecy is real, and that God is not silent about the things He is doing, mainly because He wants people to see His glory. Nothing blesses His Creation more than for His glory to shine.

To be honest, I don’t expect much attention from the wider public. I’d rather this serve as a lesson to my fellow believers within a covenant community. This is not about my gifts and talents, but how God works through Biblical Law. If you are determined to serve Him, He will pour out His blessings, and Satan will be blocked by the hedge of God’s Law. In the process, He will reveal Himself to each of you through various callings and gifts. Consistent with Paul’s admonition, I’m praying that all of you can prophesy on some level.

This is why I keep emphasizing Biblical Law. This is the foundation for understanding all of the gifts, but prophecy in particular. To be a prophet is to be an expert in Biblical Law. You would know instinctively how God does things, and what matters to Him in any given context. Even if your prophecy is only for yourself, it remains a gift of the Holy Spirit. It points to the glory of God, and that’s why we bother living in this fallen world in the first place.

Shining with His glory is what ties us to Eternity.

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