Radix Fidem Still Lives

The die is cast. I’m resigning my claims to leadership. I’m releasing you all to your own convictions. You are the virtual parish; you must decide whether you will continue with the idea. Anyone else can rise to take the eldership of our online virtual faith community if they feel moved, but it isn’t me. If you choose to trust me privately as your shepherd, you should know you are dealing with someone who is not sane. You’ll have to buy into the madness.

Still, Radix Fidem isn’t done. I may have been the one who first put it into words, but I’m not the source. It stands or falls on its own. What it represents is far more important than the label.

From here on out, the tone on this blog will be just my private ruminations. I’ll keep posting Bible studies; I’ll never tire of that. It will be a minimum of once weekly on Saturday evening. Otherwise, my posts here will be random. I believe we are entering a time of deep tribulation and persecution. The time has come for these changes. God bless you all.

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2 Responses to Radix Fidem Still Lives

  1. Linda says:

    The reason I was originally drawn to and still read your posts and writings was the sense of Truth and Wisdom that I recognized in your words. I have always felt Father working and speaking through you whenever you spoke/speak of Him and His Word. As a result, you have become a part of my family in Christ and that, dear brother, will never change.

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