Heaven’s Preppers 01

Don’t be a Prepper of the typical sort; be a Heavenly Prepper.

I’d be the last person to say we won’t face persecution for our faith. However, I want to stand at the front of the line warning you that it will come at us on the basis of politics. To get a handle on what’s coming at us, and more importantly how to face it, we need to understand it that way. The persecuting authorities, should they bother to evaluate anything at all, will do so on the basis of their political agenda, because that is their religion, regardless whether they see it in those terms. Not that we need to understand the madness of political idolatries, but we understand something of their motives from our own perspective, for our own use.

In turn, we need to understand the politics as the motivation, but not the cause of tribulation. The primary engine driving political conflict will be economic failure. The main character of this tribulation will be akin to biblical famines. Yes, you could say that bad politics is what caused the economic problems, but that’s missing the point. In terms of what you and I will suffer most, it will be economic collapse.

More specifically, it will be the collapse of our centralized economic system. It’s not as if economic activity simply stops, but that the framework of centralized economic controls will shatter. People will still move goods and provide services, but the whole frame of reference for those activities will change.

And our response should be less of the Prepper’s hoarding, and more a matter of trusting the Lord. He is Our Provider; that’s a Covenant promise. If you are faithful to your convictions in the preparation phase, then you can rest assured He will not let you face anything that doesn’t bring Him glory.

That’s the issue: not our needs, but His needs. It’s all about His glory. If that’s our primary need in life, then we’ll be just fine regardless of the circumstances. The frame of reference is always His name, His glory. In the final analysis, His glory is our greatest need.

So the best way for me to help you prepare for persecution is to understand the context that drives the persecution. We need to see the hands of demons driving the people who refuse to acknowledge that such beings exist. Not the demons of Western mythology, but the ones in the Bible who carry out God’s wrath. They operate under divine constraints, and we are advised in Scripture that Biblical Law binds them, too. The miracle of divine protection, such as may be possible according to God’s plans, can be found only in His Word.

Since the nature of this current age is fiscal — the worship of Mammon — you can bet that all politics is aimed at exploitation, not raw power. There are some very evil and tortured souls out there aiming to exercise as much power as possible, but they are mere underlings, the canon fodder for the battles. In the final analysis, this is all about the satanic bankers of the world.

They have created the problem; they will attempt to crash the system so they can propose an even worse political solution that renders them more wealth than ever.

They aren’t going anywhere. Yes, some of them will die or maybe even separated from their wealth, but the point is that this is not the final battle; this is not the End Times. God’s primary concern right now is shattering the system that operates like a Tower of Babel in our times. For all their crafty plotting, the banking geniuses can’t predict what God will unleash in this world to disrupt their hold on things. Our Lord is going to do what He always has done when someone builds that Tower of centralization and slavery. He’s going to break the chains — the means of confinement — and scatter the former slaves. Those chains are a matter of fiat currency and debt.

See Proverbs 22:7; nothing really changes in fallen human nature. Can you recall the message in Leviticus 26 where God cites the Covenant curses on those who reject His Law? He talks about how the shalom will be shattered and the people dragged away in slavery, and “then the land shall enjoy its sabbaths as long as it lies desolate and you are in your enemies’ land; then the land shall rest and enjoy its sabbaths” (v. 34). See also 2 Chronicles 36:20-21. This is not just a covenant principle, but a universal law of Creation — the land must be respected as a person, and granted a sabbath rest on its own terms.

Well, the same goes for Jubilee and the absolution of debts. It’s part of having respect for Creation. The Lord is going to grant His Creation a long Jubilee from the enslavement to multi-generational debt. This has nothing to do with human laws and constitutions; it’s based on the Word of God.

It’s going to be rough on us. Get used to that idea. Cling to your mission and your convictions; God will certainly protect that position. That’s the approach of a Heavenly Prepper.

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