Embrace the Penitence

I want you to be encouraged.

It doesn’t require any kind of special gift from God; it’s well within the range of His common gifts to all His children. You should be able to sense this with your heart: A visitation of God’s wrath always brings renewed spiritual activity. If we come running out of the ruins of a dying society to greet Him when He comes in His wrath, His cleansing power falls on us. And with cleansing comes empowerment.

God is doing something fresh and new with His people. I keep hammering how the mainstream religious institutions have moved so far away from the Covenant of Christ that a great many of them will be shut down by this period of tribulation. There’s a reason why He’s doing that: The mainstream institutions make no room for the works He wants to do in His people.

He sent His Son to bring back the wandering nation, but that nation rejected Him. Well, this is rather like that situation all over again; it’s the pattern of how He operates. If the established structure of His people doesn’t allow Him to do His work, then it will be broken up and His people as individuals will do His work anyway. The institutions aren’t ready to allow His work, so this mighty work will shatter the old structures.

But there’s more: He will be doing this work in new ways. Don’t look for the old patterns of revival. Look for new expressions of faith and calling that have never been seen before. God is going to break all the old rules about faith. He is not bound by those rules; He is endlessly creative when He pours out His power on the earth.

So while we are watching for destruction and catastrophes, let us also look for surprising new ways to serve His glory. This is the pattern of how God does things established in the Scriptures. Faith and trust in God works the same, but it manifests in fresh ways every now and then — and this is one of those times.

Again, you should be able to see this yourself. Let me confirm what His Spirit is already saying to you. A visitation of God is a two-edged sword. When His wrath falls on sinners, those who repent will find His glory. Embrace the penitence; tribulation means blessings.

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