New Feature: Photos Here

I’m closing my other blog (it’s gone). I’ve warned WordPress about this, as have a great many others, but they have refused to listen. It’s over. From here on out, all my photos will be posted here.

First up is my sitting in my “new” car. I had just returned from a parts run when my wife decided to capture the moment. The thing is drive-able, but it makes a lot of noise right now. I’m waiting for the catalytic converter assembly to arrive. Until then, the exhaust system has a wide gap where the pipe is broken just a short distance from the engine. I’ll post a better picture of the car later.

Today I had my heavy workout in the park. One of the machines I use is hidden behind a tree in this shot. I am no longer able to do any high-impact exercises, but I can still ride the bike and take pictures.

Once I don’t have to worry about the noise level from the car, I plan to take some day trips to places worthy of some photography. If things go well enough, I’ll eventually make longer trips with camping and so forth.

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2 Responses to New Feature: Photos Here

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    What are you doing driving the car? You should be fixing it! 😉

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