Gird Up Your Loins

I’m inclined to support most of what Bill Sardi says this morning over at Lew Rockwell’s site. Seems to me I first heard of the Deagle estimate a couple of weeks ago. At the time, it didn’t really catch my attention, but it’s gotten a lot more notice from others over these past two weeks.

Sardi points out the high probability of a nuclear exchange, the likelihood of ADE from the vaccines that aren’t really vaccines, and the certainty of economic collapse. Any way you look at it, a 70% reduction in US population in four years is quite dramatic. And yet, I consider it quite possible.

There are so very many things going on behind the scenes that it’s hard to estimate the outcomes. Some of them aren’t really hidden, just not commonly acknowledged. It’s the kind of thing where my heart senses a major catastrophe, but my mind recoils and can’t form any kind of realistic estimate. All the more so when I’m experiencing unexpected changes in my own life.

I was planning on a long season of bikepacking. Not so much carrying the full load on the bike itself, but of camping and biking in areas I’ve not seen, at least not recently. Camping is still possible, but less and less likely to happen very much. Biking will, for now, be just a small part of my life. If the VA does a knee replacement really soon, biking a lot is still possible. Yet, I’m honestly moved to plan for it not happening this year. Instead, I’m making accommodations to deal with a left knee that simply won’t allow much physical activity compared to what I’ve carried on in the past.

Who could have foreseen just the stuff I’m facing personally? This left knee crashed very quickly over just a couple of months. It’s the sort of thing your heart could know, but you just aren’t consciously ready to see it. So it is with wider events: I’ve known for some time we were headed for an apocalypse, but I had no idea what it would look like. And if Deagle knows anything, then four years isn’t a very long time for that much change.

I’m not saying that a 70% population drop is a sure thing. That’s more precision and detail than I dare to suggest. But my heart tells me that any day now things could become really unpleasant on a broad scale. This is no exodus; the covenant people aren’t marching off to a far land physically. However, I suspect that the business of blood on the doorposts might still apply, in that we need to separate ourselves from the world around us in other ways.

There’s no way I could offer any kind of solid leadership. Aside from broad generalities, I have no idea what you will go through where you live. All I can do is point back to divine revelation and ask you to search for yourself. I’m honestly still struggling to understand the implications of what it means to be a covenant community, because the one thing I know for certain is just how radically different it is from what we have around us today. I’m not sure you and I could make the necessary adjustments; we can only move in that direction. There’s a vast lore of experience missing there, and I’m still standing way out here on the border of this vast Promised Land.

I suppose I could suggest ways to be united now versus the necessity of being scattered individuals, but then we have to ask how that would fit after the coming disasters and dramatic changes. I have confidence that I’ll know what to do when the moment comes; that’s the part I’m trying to teach here. It’s not knowing in advance what to do, but knowing I’ll be ready because the Lord says He will make me so in my heart.

This week my wife and I are shedding excess baggage and reorganizing what we keep. It has to be heart-led. Because we don’t know what’s coming, it’s a matter of simply doing our best to fit our collection of stuff to the apparent mission before us. That includes realizing that there are some small decisions we’ll regret, but doing nothing is not an option. I have a few more tools to collect, and Veloyce is sorting through her kitchen stuff. I’m taking a look at certain emergency response items I know how to use, and still have the physical ability to use. Anyone got a good used Halligan bar?

Bits and pieces of answers are all I have right now, but the broader certainty of disaster is so solid I can just about touch it. At the same time, the shining glory of the Father is all around me. We are privileged to see things few have ever seen before. Gird up your loins.

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