What’s on My Mind Lately

Something has been haunting me the past month or so. It’s something that grew from unnoticed to a large intrusion into my awareness: We are headed for some kind of massive disaster, something that will reduce the population of the US, if not the world.

I suppose we could have an immediate reference to Noah’s Flood, but there have been similar events since the Cross. How about the Black Death, which came and went several times in Europe? The initial appearance in the mid-1300s was preceded by just a few decades by the Great Famine, taking down something like half the population of Europe by itself. The famine was caused by bad weather, supposedly as a result of volcanic activity occluding the atmosphere of the northern hemisphere.

While human behavior surely aggravated things, the underlying cause was clearly the hand of God. It’s not as if the Lord doesn’t do this kind of thing from time to time for His own inscrutable reasons. There’s plenty of precedent.

My sense of dread points to something that big. This is what was haunting me already when I ran across that report from Deagle. Oddly enough, Deagle had been projecting that for some years now, but I spotted it only a few months ago. Conspiracy sites picked up on it sometime early last year, before the COVID-19 scare. But while we don’t take the wilder conspiracy nuts too seriously, Deagle has been typically on the money with it’s predictions so far. FYI: It’s sources appear to be largely the “Deep State” agencies in the US. My source is my convictions.

Maybe this indicates the Deep State is planning something that would produce the results Deagle predicts. Either way, this thing was percolating in my soul long before I had heard of Deagle. And it’s all totally veiled in terms of details. All I get is the thing itself. It’s big enough to block the sun over a very large area, but hidden in mist. Oddly enough, I’m still confident I’ll survive it. I don’t know about anyone else.

It’s not a question of whether we are doing the right thing, but whether God has use for us here. Frankly, you should rather be eager to see His face; I know I am. Still, I’m pretty sure I’m yet a good ways from that. There’s too much to do for His glory.

Maybe that includes documenting what I see as things unfold. There’s no doubt we’ll have plenty of people keeping track of the details, but my mission is the heart-led way of faith and conviction. What I see and record will result from that. It comes in the context of declaring that God’s wrath is upon us, that tribulation has been decreed. Furthermore, it will be an apocalyptic in the original meaning of the word: a revelation — in this case, of just how deeply inflamed is God’s wrath. It’s meant to display His moral character, to unveil His glory.

If it were a matter of reason, I would not expect such a catastrophe would be required. Just breaking down the system makes perfect sense to me. But it’s my convictions that warn me it will mean bloodshed on such a grand scale. Not all at once, it seems to me it’s more likely to be a high attrition rate over some years. And there’s nothing I can do to plan for this. Aside from ensuring my own health provides God maximum use of my flesh for His glory, I doubt there’s anything I could do to prepare for what’s coming. It’s something that has to happen in your soul.

So, all of the stuff I’ve been doing in preparation for tribulation is just minor, functional change that could suddenly mean nothing once the shallow context is past. How can I explain it? Things in which I’ve invested so much effort will suddenly mean nothing, largely because they are mere things. It requires that I understand how the pursuit itself, faithful to my sense of calling, was what mattered, not the things I pursued in that calling. And for those of you who helped me: Please don’t feel insulted if something you supported is now not so important. God sees and remembers your faithfulness to your own sense of mission and calling in helping me.

For example, good computer hardware is expensive. I’ve tried to obtain the best I could get with the resources at hand, and this matters right up until the moment it doesn’t matter any more. I have a strong sense of premonition to be ready for a day when that stuff won’t matter very much. As humans measure such things, it means a very heavy investment in knowledge and experience is suddenly obsolete. But far more valuable in Kingdom service is that I can learn something new tomorrow.

Personal note: The way I see it, the one thing that will matter in the coming years is communications as we go. The huge volume of what I’ve written may not have much meaning beyond the current context in which we live. But during a time of apocalypse, I believe keeping in touch with each other will matter far more. If what I have to say matters to you at all, it’s what I can yet teach and explain that matters far more than what I’ve said in the past. It’s me while I live, not some static expression from bygone days — that’s how the Bible looks at it. A good cellphone or tablet will be more useful than a hefty computer. Also, offshore encrypted communications services might be pretty useful.

Some more random stuff: I don’t trust Apple. They make the best hardware, but their profit model rests on consumers buying new hardware far more often, and at a far higher price, than any other major technology company. They’ve already been caught trying to force users of their older hardware to buy newer stuff. It’s the threat of regulation, not their love for customers, that has protected users so far.

For reasons I can’t explain, Microsoft online services are more likely to be there for the long haul. Plus, they have been less abusive with all the snooping they build into their products, compared to the likes of Google.

Facebook is on the verge of dying. Indeed, most social media has a short shelf-life. The nature of blogging is changing significantly, and I will have to implement changes to match what the industry will support. There are big changes coming rather soon.

Finally, I wanted to let you know that my left knee is getting worse very quickly. Right now, it hurts just to stand. Not a lot, but enough that I’m starting to calculate how to get the most of each time I have to rise to my feet, so I don’t have to do it so often. It’s still just a tad uncomfortable even when sitting. If my appointment next week doesn’t get me a wheelchair from the VA, I’ll buy my own ASAP. Farther out, I’m looking forward to convincing the Ortho doctors that the knee joint needs replacement.

This should not be viewed as a bad thing; God wants me to go through this for His inscrutable reasons. If the surgery does what it’s supposed to do, I’ll start hiking a lot. I can’t explain why cycling is no longer that important any more. I was committed to cycling across Oklahoma, and some part of me is very sad to see that vision fade into insignificance. I’m not that fickle by nature.

I just wanted to let you folks see where my head is.

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2 Responses to What’s on My Mind Lately

  1. Benjamin says:

    Love you, Brother.

  2. ehurst says:

    Thanks, Benjamin. It works both ways.

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