Focus on Glory

I’m with Doug Casey on one thing: the US is a hopelessly cruel and senseless bully to the rest of the world. War with Russia is possible, but war with China is almost certain. And we will lose, simply because, if China does nothing, the US has already started down the path of self-destruction.

In regards to that Deagel report, it could easily be that 70% of the US population separates itself from under the existing US government, leaving a minority to face the communist regime that now runs the show. Still, I’m personally expecting a significant loss of population from various means of death, though I struggle to imagine it being anywhere near 70%. Also, I don’t agree with Casey’s speculation on biological warfare. It doesn’t work like that.

One thing Casey hits on that has been buzzing in my awareness for the past 30 years at least: At some point, all financial instruments will become void. As we get closer to that event, the best way to preserve whatever limited wealth you may have is to invest in real property, not financial constructs. Buy stuff you know you can use regardless of the financial disaster.

It will happen, so it’s better to own stuff, even if you can’t keep it. That we live in a material world is impossible to escape. But within that frame of reference, it’s far wiser and more useful to think in terms of what you could do with the stuff, versus the abstraction of dollars or other currencies. A biblical value system is in terms of how things can glorify the Lord, and nothing about the fiat currency system brings Him glory.

Right now a large number of small investors, which includes a lot of small businesses, but also a huge herd of individuals, are plotting a revolt to force the banking and finance industries to let go of their dominance in the precious metals market. The mega-bankers are corrupting and controlling the regulatory agencies who “report” the value of these metals. The idea behind this system is to maintain their control over the economy by not allowing the price of metals to rise. As long as your average small investor is duped by the artificially low price of precious metals, they’ll keep their money in the bogus financial instruments controlled by bankers. Those who understand how this all works, but don’t have that much control, are working on some kind of strategy to break the grip of the bankers over the precious metals market.

The plan has to do with provoking a run on physical precious metals. This kind of activist investment is not news. Part of the game is that financial institutions hold the majority of precious metals in order to keep the prices low. But the rules banks must obey include keeping that stuff on the market in order to force the price down for all such metals. If enough nobodies suddenly bought it and took physical delivery (which the banks must do by law), it would break the bankers’ control over the market value.

Now, it’s more complicated than that, but this is the gist of the rebellion brewing. The problem is, a lot of those activist investors won’t hold their precious metals once the thing succeeds. They’ll try to sell when the price rises. That’s the flaw in this revolt, but that’s another story.

The revolt by itself would not destroy the banking system, but it would certainly change things, to the point it would contribute to a general collapse from other causes. It could be the one vulnerability that destroys a very fragile and evil system. Meanwhile, those still holding precious metals would have preserved their wealth. It’s another manifestation of buying stuff instead of holding numbers in a bank’s computer. Play the system any way you feel led, but never forget that the collapse will come without warning.

The collapse of the system is neither morally good nor bad. It’s just the way things happen outside of the Covenant. It will be rough, but that doesn’t keep God from protecting what matters for His glory through our obedience to our convictions. The same with war — assessing it as good or bad is missing the point. It’s the common perception that’s bad, not the thing itself. The events themselves are simply the net result of ignoring divine revelation, so it’s all evil, war or not, collapse or not.

Get on the right side of history before it happens. Embrace the biblical value system that this world is broken and hopeless. Focus instead on divine glory and let this world go.

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2 Responses to Focus on Glory

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    I imagine there are some of those activist investors who had interests in precious metals to begin with and would actually keep the stuff as an emergency measure and actual investment. Don’t know the percentage of them but it’s probably small. Activism in investing and investing as a means of protection don’t seem like two concepts friendly to each other.

    • ehurst says:

      Exactly. It’s two different groups of people with different agendas, who just happen to cannibalize each other’s energy because the tactics overlap.

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