When Real Change Comes

If it involves donations and advertising, then the people’s hearts are not in it. It doesn’t take a whole lot of money to inform; it takes billions to provoke emotions. Political events that rest on mere sentiment are wholly ephemeral. What you do with it today will be undone tomorrow. There can be no genuine change unless it comes from the hearts of the people, because it first most be a change in their hearts.

This is why you have Republicans taking seriously candidates with major moral compromises. It proves yet again that there are no good moral candidates in any election, because good moral people don’t want the power to rule. A truly good moral leader rises up only to throw off the bonds of tyranny and set people free. People do that without elections, because it’s the power of God at work, not mere men.

And true freedom is invariably tribal and feudal, according to Scripture. The only reason any of us would ever address ambient politics is to weaken centralized government in favor of the tribe, not in favor of the individual.

But when you see people “taking a stand” without training for combat, then it’s just noise. The underlying assumption is that mere noise can somehow save the republic. It cannot; the republic was lost a long time ago. It was hijacked by hateful oppressors. The only thing left is to fight for release from their oppression. That means dissolving the republic. As long as people aren’t seriously preparing for a revolt, don’t look for any real change in the government.

Don’t look for any one event to signal big changes, as if to proclaim it’s prophetic. It’s always a concert of things coming together. Vaccines or vaccine passports as the Mark of the Beast? Don’t get too literal on that prophecy; there are dozens of ways the Beast will mark us. Israel reclaiming the Temple Mount, preparing to erect a Third Temple? It won’t mean a thing until there is an Israel that actually obeys Moses. The Talmud can not substitute for the Word of God. Things that mere men do don’t signal much of importance.

Only the hand of God alone can signal major changes. If the earth’s poles shift dramatically, that will signal big changes. If chunks of the US fall into the ocean, that’s the hand of God. Volcanoes, earthquakes, genuine killing plagues — those things bring real change.

When God moves in the people, it’s always spontaneous, arising from something other than politics. It comes through prayer, not donations to some PAC. It’s the people rising up to pull down genuine moral threats. A move of God in America would destroy the political system altogether, since it rests on sheer falsehoods in the first place. A move of God in America would emphasize covenants, and any leadership would avoid collecting funds. They would instead ask for direct action to change things, or perhaps material contributions that don’t have to pass through their hands. Real leaders delegate, because if the people can’t do it themselves with just a little encouragement, it’s not going to happen at all.

Organic leadership arises by acclamation alone, as the people are moved by God to follow someone who most likely had other plans. God’s appointed rulers never aspire to lead, but are men who simply know what their convictions demand of them, with or without help from others. This is what moves people to real change. Everything else is schemes of the Devil.

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2 Responses to When Real Change Comes

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    “A truly good moral leader rises up only to throw off the bonds of tyranny and set people free.”

    Setting people free usually means placing them under authority under someone, paradoxically, that has their best interests in mind, because the leader would know how you would best fit into the tribe. You don’t get that with a nation-state.

    • ehurst says:

      Exactly, which takes us back to the principle that everything is personal. The nation-state is necessarily impersonal.

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