You’ll Know What to Do

In some ways, it won’t matter whom you imagine is pulling the strings. The vast majority of those involved in government — both official and de facto government — are your enemy. The people will be rotated in and out of the system, but the trends remain stable because it’s steered by demons.

However, it’s not as simple as is commonly believed. Demons don’t set the agenda specifically. Demons provide the false desires that drive people to seek opportunities for self-gratification. Demons will offer whatever inducement gets people on the wrong path, and it’s hardly uniform. Thus, the people running the show will hold varying motives, but they are uniform in being false motives, based on things that God simply will not allow.

Further, the demonic influence is concerned only with anything-but-revelation. The apparent unity of human planning is simply a matter of tactics. The unity itself is false; it’s only apparent. In the end, those who chase demonic dreams will betray each other because of their competing false gods. But leading up the final crescendo of collapse, there will be a functional unity that is itself a tool of Satan to get people on board.

We are nearing one of those false crescendos. The elitists who think they rule, along with the elitists who actually do rule (for now), believe they are on the final leg of their plot to seize total control. Their actions and pronouncements betray this. It will be a tribulation rising to the level of apocalypse. It will be one of those times that test the moral fiber of the little people who aren’t among the elite. As you might expect, the vast majority will fail this test.

Given that the fundamental idea behind the elitist propaganda is to make us so miserable that we beg for slavery, you should expect things to get very uncomfortable. It would be easy to get bogged down in the details of what they plan for us. Some of the big items that show up on our radar: manufactured racial tension and rioting, debt and banking “reforms” that seize all physical property of any significance, currency collapse and increasing virtualization of money, false medical mandates with lock-downs and toxic “vaccines,” the false panic about “global warming,” etc.

For me, one of the worst things is the rising censorship. It’s not enough to keep us on the margins so that nobody pays attention; they want to control our very thoughts. This is the one area wherein I’m likely to become something of an activist. That’s because it directly affects the gospel message. This follows the basic principle that I teach: defend the domain that God has placed in your hands. My domain is the message, and I’ll engage in whatever measures are necessary to keep unholy hands out of that. My convictions don’t place many constraints on that defense.

How do we overcome? “And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their life even when faced with death” (Revelation 12:11 NASB). The willing sacrifice of our Messiah becomes both the model and the power to forge ahead with the divine agenda against all resistance. We win. Our testimony is more than mere words, but in Hebrew mystical language, “word” refers to all the actions that come from a driving agenda of faith. It is our shalom. And it’s our lack of fear in the face of death that means we can avoid the normal human constraints the hinder people from holding to an eternal purpose.

This apocalypse is what we are here for; it’s the reason we keep on living. Otherwise, this is a very good time to die. Don’t get lost in worrying about all the things people plan against us. Pray and keep your eye on your convictions. You’ll know what to do when the moment comes.

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One Response to You’ll Know What to Do

  1. Dave W says:

    Well said words of encouragement. Staying focused on what the Lord calls each of us to individually is the most important way we can shine his glory. I find this very difficult at times but with His help I am slowly getting a bit better at it. Blessings to you and your family this day.

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