XR: Another Counterfeit

Before we look at the counterfeits, it’s best to know the genuine thing well enough to spot the fakes.

At the root level, this fallen world is supposed to be decentralized, tribal, racist, and in various levels of conflict over resources. That’s what God says He expects of us at a fundamental level. We don’t have to be at each other’s throats, but by far one of the greatest sins is the mere idea that we should all be united under one government. Any move toward that invokes God’s wrath on an entirely different level. He thoroughly hates centralized governments. The decentralized tribal nation is God’s default requirement before we discuss anything further.

Side note: That tribal government must not be anything other than ANE feudalism. Any hint of democracy and depersonalization of authority and accountability will incur His wrath.

On top of that, the next layer of requirement is that cultures promote the heart-led ideal. He reserves particular distaste for the Western intellectual traditions, in that Western epistemology seeks to lock humanity under the Fall. The fundamental tenet of Western Civilization is that human reason is the summum bonum, closing the door to all but man-centered religion. This is the very nature of the Fall itself. The only path to avoid wrath and destruction is to build a culture that centers on giving preference to convictions, and seeking to clarify what they demand.

At the third and final level, God demands that humanity live under covenants that reflect divine revelation. The Bible presumes you understand that all written covenants it records are models, manifestations of something which in itself is ineffable. It’s not the specifics of the covenant, but the core nature of how covenant conveys divine will that matters. Only within a valid covenant can we escape human frailties and hope for some measure of peace on earth — AKA shalom.

The ultimate covenant is Christ Himself.

Once you get this clear picture clear in your mind, then it’s not too hard to see the flaws of things like the XR idolatry. You quickly see how utterly incompatible it is with divine revelation. You realize that it is a hideous demonic lie that warrants resistance, even to the point of warfare. It is an open and direct attack on shalom.

If God can defeat enemies in the field through the glory of a choir praising His name, if God can destroy siege armies outside the city walls in response to a shepherd’s humble prayer before Him, then no covenant tribe should fear the greatest combined army on this earth. Rather, it is the arrogant human mass forces that should fear the covenant tribe.

Don’t resist without a valid covenant. Once you’ve established that anchor point, you can walk in the assurance that what then seems obvious in your convictions is the path you need to take. The issue is not whether you’ll resist this idolatry, but how. God intends to reveal His glory through your resistance; you need a vision of how that plays out.

Extinction Rebellion (XR) is a false idol. You have zero obligation to it, despite how governments are quickly being enslaved to it. How you go about resisting this forced idolatry is between you and God.

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2 Responses to XR: Another Counterfeit

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    Whenever I see anything political talk about/use the word “justice,” I know the whole thing is going to be bogus globalist poopytalk. Even from the normal western jurisprudence sense, neverminding the Biblical sense of justice.

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