Welcome to the Apocalypse

At this point I’d be preaching to the choir if I made any more noise about avoiding the “vaccine” for this faux plague used as an excuse to destroy the economy and introduce unconscionable oppression. But I wonder if you knew that the US Government had some 73 patents on this particular virus since 2002? That little point was news to me. I have always believed it was a bio-weapon made in the US, but I wasn’t expecting such explicit detail to be revealed.

Now, I can warn you that I don’t wholly trust Paul Craig Roberts, but even when people pursue self-serving ends, they often end up telling us very useful things. The picture he paints in the linked article is true in type of a great many sorrows we face these days. The system has seized control of all means of resistance except the one disaster they want most to provoke: a civil war.

What the globalists don’t understand is that they will lose this war. In fact, all parties will lose. It’s not going to turn out as anyone expects. You don’t have to be a prophet to see that; a quick review of human history will tell you that. This how war works in this world; nobody ever gains what they start out wanting. Things inevitably take directions no one expected, because no one has realistic expectations. At this point in history, it appears the globalists are more deluded than anyone else, and they have their hands on all the levers.

The thing I hope you are watching, and what you catch from Roberts’ article, is the system of thought control. Do you understand how mainstream religion does the same thing? It’s the same overwhelming wash of false messages drowning out the truth. If you embrace the Radix Fidem approach to religion, then you should understand that we have no friends in this world. All we have is each other.

I’ve mentioned our Prime Directive of keeping the gospel message alive. The challenge is how that commitment shapes everything we strive to do in this world. It’s not enough to know what has been written regarding God’s plan for living in this fallen world; we must absorb the wordless understanding of the heart.

If things weren’t so utterly rootless in human existence right now, we would be talking about building a community of faith in terms of the tribe. We would talk about how to go about pairing up people of faith to build families of faith, all aimed at building the shalom message so it’s big and loud. And while that community building remains a proper model, the current context makes it shockingly difficult to even talk about it. This is a really bad time to get married and start families.

It’s not impossible to build good marriages right now, but that is simply not the primary focus of implementing the gospel message right now. We don’t have the conditions for encouraging that. This problems we face are very similar to what Paul’s letters say in discouraging marriage. The Roman Empire of his day was moving toward that same level of smothering propaganda and social disorder that we face today. It’s not that Christian religion should inhibit marriage on principle; quite the opposite. But this is how we respond to crisis. “Woe unto those who are pregnant or nursing” was what Jesus said about the coming time of persecution (Matthew 24:19; Luke 21:23). It’s a warning that, do what you feel led, but don’t be surprised when it doesn’t work out too well.

Paul was writing shortly before, and during the early stages of the time Jesus prophesied. So for the same reasons Paul gave, we currently ask people to put away those dreams of a good Christian marriage with family. Not that it cannot happen, but that it should be put on the back burner. By all means, seize it if the Lord grants, but don’t be surprised if it turns into crap later. That’s the nature of our times.

Over at Sigma Frame, Jack has been discussing over the past year, at least, some of the details of why marriage is so very hard, particularly for Americans. He and his commenters have been exploring the complexities of how and why things are so messed up in the marriage market. And the overall message simply serves to remind us that a blessed marriage is a miracle from the start, even in the best of times. These days, the vast majority of society has been so damnably twisted and perverted that it’s a wonder we don’t see mass suicides.

And in some ways, we do see mass suicide, in that society has gone into full blown self-destruct mode. It’s just doing it rather slowly, instead of all at once. Each generation is smaller in numbers and has far fewer opportunities for building a decent future on any terms, never mind on biblical faith. It reflects just one more factor in a world gone mad. Do you see how the propaganda and oppression of a false health crisis is the same stuff as the marriage crisis?

Welcome to the Apocalypse.

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3 Responses to Welcome to the Apocalypse

  1. feeriker says:

    Do you understand how mainstream religion does the same thing? It’s the same overwhelming wash of false messages drowning out the truth.

    This is what I find most depressing and dispiriting about the current situation. Those who are supposed to be oases of truth and light in a desert of lies and darkness just as deceived and lost as the world they claim to be distinct from, but from which they are mostly indistinguishable. It leads to a sense of isolation that makes sustaining the faith an even greater challenge than ever, even with fervent prayer for strength and guidance. The enemy knew exactly what he was doing when he corrupted the body with modernism and world-worship, which made his dispersal of the Assembly that much more destructive.

  2. Jay DiNitto says:

    There’s probably a moral and practical connection to the events leading up apocalypse/collapse scenarios and the really dire social setups for marriage. Don’t know exactly what those connections are, but I’m sure they exist.

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