Admin: Making Printed Copies

If you invest enough time in reading my stuff, it’s not long before you can guess that I might say about various things. If you read my stuff with your heart, you might do a good job of estimating what you should be able to say about almost anything you encounter. As always, I don’t take myself that seriously, so the most I ever hoped to do was to prime the pump so that Living Water would flow out of your own soul.

Because I’ve honestly expected things to go badly for our access to each other on the Internet, I’ve tried to warn you all from time to time that you really should aim at standing on your own in serving the Lord. I really don’t want you dependent on my faith and religion. Still, I suppose for the sake of fellowship, and perhaps an easier way to share what I’ve taught up to now, you might want to try capturing some of this on hard copies.

It appears at least one person (Jay) wants printed copies of my books badly enough to collate them into anthologies and submit them to a POD (print-on-demand) service. They should be available at cost, since none of us are trying to make any money at this. We’ll let you know how that turns out.

This may take awhile, but if you want any of my current ebooks in a printable format, let me know via email. While Smashwords does offer them in multiple formats, I’m quite willing to email you a copy in whatever format I have. The idea is that if you feel like you are in a hurry to use your own printer, I’ll be glad to make it easier. If you give me a little time, I plan to burn the library to CDs, because it really isn’t such a large collection.

Which brings up the next issue: I’m collecting snail-mail addresses. You can share yours with me via email or whatever, but I’m posting mine here for all to see:

Ed Hurst
2600 N. Glenhaven Dr., APT D
Midwest City, OK 73110

Be aware of a minor problem: If you use any kind of electronic service to send something to that address, you may get a complaint that they can’t find that street. This is what my local post office uses, but Google is a butthead operation that insists it is W. Glenhaven. That will still arrive here, but it’s not technically correct.

As part of this larger project, I’ve purchased a collection of ring binders so I can get my own books and papers in hard copy. In the process, I’ll run through them one last time looking for errors, so the very last edition will be what I churn out that way.

I’m also planning on formatting the popular series Law of Moses and New Testament Doctrine into a book, but I’m not going to mess with Smashwords on those for now. The other thing I’m doing is printing copies of very instructive graphics from Bible research that I find on the Net. If I can remember, I’ll share some of those here on the blog from time to time. It would mostly be maps, drawings of structures, or graphical representations of information that save lots of time.

I’m taking this seriously folks. Maybe I’m deluded, but I believe having a good paper library of things that matter to me will bless others. We have no way of estimating how much time the Lord will allow us, and I can’t even begin to estimate what it would cost to put stuff on paper, but I’m committed to the task.

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