Spiritual Warfare 06

Unless you have more questions, I’m going to wrap this up. Here I cover one of the biggest lies of Satan. It’s going to require using esoteric parabolic language, but Asaph in Psalm 78 says it’s part of our divine heritage.

The modern State of Israel is a false front. Zionism comes close to being the real thing, but it’s still used as a mask. Judaism is another mask, but then, so is Antisemitism. I’ve talked about The Cult, but even that is just an approximation, the thing itself viewed from only one angle. It’s not just 3D, either. We are pointing at something that stands in the Spirit Realm, so it’s multidimensional. It’s not enough to simply say something about demons and idolatry, because we are trained to dismiss that kind of thing mentally. Once it has a hook on which to hang it, your fleshly nature wants to forget about it.

I have a recurrent vision of this thing as big, dark and ugly. It’s ancient, and trails off into the future, ending only when Christ Returns. It’s rooted in the Garden of Eden, on the ground where the seeds of the Forbidden Fruit fell after humanity first tasted it. But it’s not limited to that; it’s something that forms the core of all human resistance to divine revelation. It leads the way in keeping humanity enslaved to Darkness. And it has a character that we can indicate in some ways.

The particular demon in charge of this project is Satan himself, a task not delegated to his minions, except in particular assignments. The thing itself is Satan’s own. Paul calls it the Synagogue of Satan; that’s far more than just a harsh criticism of the Jewish synagogue system. He refers to something he also saw in esoteric visions of satanic resistance to the gospel. He was referring to the Spirit of Antichrist, but also those who worship that false spirit.

If the first problem is how to explain it, the second problem is recognizing that it’s very hard to pin down who among the worshipers are aware, partly aware, or pretty much blinded. Not everyone is fully conscious of what they are committed to on this. And the varieties of partial deception are too numerous to count. It’s a thousand flavors so that it has something to offer everyone’s taste.

Even the term “Satanism” conjures the wrong image. We use that label generically to refer to any endeavor that is contrary to the Word of God, but the term as we use it today arose from a specific religion associated with Secular Humanism. The people who chose that term did so to represent something distinctly contrary to what church folks were doing. The secularists were slapped with that label from church folks, and decided to embrace the label just to make their enemies uncomfortable. Genuine Satanism, strictly speaking, is a body of ritual that forces government to treat secular humanism on the same terms as church-based religion.

My point is that there is something I want to discuss that fits none of the common labels. So for now, I’ll keep calling it The Cult, but it’s more than what shows up in that article I published.

For now, I want to characterize this thing by pointing out how it is Satan’s ploy to get you focused on modern Israel. A reasonable proxy for this is Judaism, for which Antisemitism is just the mirror image of the same thing. The whole point is to keep you focused on “The Chosen” — the people whom God made to rule the world, as they think of it. They consider themselves their own Messiahs, and if they can’t get you to take that seriously, then they’ll provoke you every way possible until you are forced to take up some effort to shut them up. Since they hate everyone who isn’t them, it’s okay if the return hatred is organized into something like Islam. Love them or hate them, they will not allow you to ignore them.

So, for example, The Cult runs the American Democratic Party, and has no problem with the internal conflict between those who promote BDS and those who are Zionist. The Cult is also quite happy that the American Nazis and Black Muslims actually get along just fine, for the most part — they both agree to hate Jews. But The Cult runs the Republican Party, too, via the more uniform and open Zionism for which Republicans are famous. As long as it’s all about Israel, The Cult doesn’t care who holds government offices in the US.

Every other issue is a cover for what The Cult is actually doing. Sometimes it’s necessary to deceive the masses about what government is actually doing for Israel. Thus, the COVID nonsense is a cover for other operations, one of which is called the Great Reset. All the furor over vaccines and lockdowns is just a cover for something hideous going on in the background: Israel is gaining access to global surveillance of all humanity.

Were you aware that Mossad is a major software maker? Some of it is masked as consumer apps and so forth, but the real money is in surveillance malware sold to governments. What few of these government customers realize is that Mossad has a backdoor in everything they sell through all those front companies, allowing them to keep tabs on everything. Mossad in turn is the espionage arm for The Cult.

I can tell you that we don’t even know the half of what Mossad is doing to our computer devices. Their handprints are all over the place, and that’s just the stuff we have found out about. Every time a new revelation breaks out about some secret project, it serves primarily to prove there’s a whole lot more we don’t know about. And of course, they are helping drive the market that makes it mandatory for everyone to carry a device through which Mossad can spy.

So what’s the righteous response to all of this? It’s not that we should close our eyes to the snooping. Rather, on the one hand we expose everything we can. On the other hand, we point out just how impotent it all is in the long run. Point out that Israel’s true god is Satan, that Judaism was adopted by Satan when God disowned it at the Cross. Publish that.

Recognize that virtually every problem in the world at large today is, in one way or another, a big PsyOp of The Cult to derail people from the gospel message. All those ugly secular political and economic -ism theories? Every one of them is a Cult PsyOp. All those organized religions? What they didn’t actually start, The Cult has hijacked so that it serves their purposes. Even the existence of Israel itself is a big PsyOp to keep people from actually getting fully engaged in the revelation in Christ. As long as people keep asking the wrong questions, Satan keeps everyone enslaved. The mere existence of Christian-Zionism is a major Satanic victory in the world today.

Thus, I can warn you that a fundamental element in Spiritual Warfare is learning to deal with all this crap and misguidance that avoids taking a direct look at the Cross. Sometimes you just cut through the crap; at other times the Lord wants you to at try answering the great mass of lies about things. Trust your own convictions; you’ll know what you need to study and what you can ignore.

All I can do is tell you what God is doing in my soul, and hope that it helps you see more clearly what He wants to do in yours. The gospel is not what you say or do; it’s who you are.

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