AI Infiltration

Some of you have asked me questions about my teaching. Some of you have asked my counsel on personal matters. I’m honored to serve you that way.

But what if someone was able to fake my ID and send messages that were subtly different from what I would actually send. What if they were able to make it sound just like me? What kind of damage could they do in your life?

Up to recent times, the kind of effort it would take to emulate my writings would have required a good bit of man hours, and for a rather paltry return in terms of the wider world. It would have to be someone pretty intelligent and skilled who decided that there was something to gain, something that would justify the heavy investment necessary to pull it off.

Now there’s an AI that can do it in a matter of an hour or so, simply scanning my published writings. And it could also scan my unencrypted email archive, if any service I’ve used kept one. Or, if any of the numerous servers that my traffic passed through were to scrape some of my messages for any reason — like the NSA and their massive server farms keeping a copy of just about everything.

We’ve also seen where AI can render sound and video recordings that could pass for almost anyone, given a good sample base. I’ve not done that much on the Net, so it’s not a valid worry just yet. My communications have been almost all written.

I’m not suggesting that someone will attack us in this way. It will most certainly happen to some people out there whose online activities are a target for such espionage. It’s highly unlikely anyone would think it’s worth their trouble to do that with our community. It’s more likely they would simply block this blog, and our forum, from being accessible.

But there they to try it, our community has an advantage here. First, I’ve often told everyone publicly to filter what I say, and not just swallow it whole. Second, I’ve encouraged people to embrace the heart-led consciousness, so that they have a solid link to the Holy Spirit for a vastly superior filter on anything I might say. I’ve encouraged all of you to use that and disregard anything I say that isn’t useful to you.

I’m pretty sure anyone faking messages from me would run into that filtering and, perhaps at worst, persuade you to simply stop reading my emails. That’s not much of a tragedy, really. I don’t take myself that seriously.

This is not meant to make your paranoid. It’s to help explain what I see in my visions, of some thick, dark cloud rising up on the Internet. That vision is part of what has driven me to move away from publishing on the Internet. At some point in the near future, that cloud will swallow the whole thing, as far as I am concerned. There won’t be any way to work past it.

Granted, if we all suddenly switched to encrypted email, it might prolong things. I’m not saying you need to do that, only that it’s something you might consider. You have to follow your own convictions (as always). There may be other technologies, but I sense that, in the long run, it won’t make any difference.

The visions don’t indicate if the Net will eventually get free of that dark future. I suspect I won’t live long enough to see either way. Still, this business of AI masquerading as anyone alive or dead is just another indicator of bad things coming in this time of tribulation.

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2 Responses to AI Infiltration

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    This reminded me of how Oliver Heaviside figured out the telegraph equation, where there was a relatively simple solution he discovered to make the signal travel much further. AI is probably missing some small thing to make it work a lot better than it does now, we just don’t know what it is.

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