It Cannot Be Fixed

This is not how things are supposed to be. We were never meant to be mortal. God placed us within His Creation as managers of some portion, a special place rather like a ruler’s private park. The park has always been mortal; it was always under a death and rebirth cycle. Not so for us. As managers, we were eternal beings.

As eternal beings, we were naturally wired to have an open line of communion with God. Our management of His park was not via some knowledge He implanted, but that we grew our knowledge from the divine Presence in our hearts. At some point when our knowledge had developed significantly, we were ripe for temptation.

We chose to break the living connection with God. We chose to operate from our human capabilities. At this point, He had to come looking for us, because He was no longer seeing through our hearts. And because of this, He could no longer allow us to remain eternal. We were forced into the same mortal form as the creatures in the park. Worse, we lacked that divine understanding of how things worked. We had to start from scratch, and it was a very painful process.

The whole point is to get us back into Eden. The path back to Eden requires dying, in the sense that we must shed our fleshly nature, our mortal frame. The normative process for this removal of the flesh is through divine revelation. It is our duty to voluntarily submit to this prolonged process of casting off the layers of deception and fleshly delusion.

In a sense, Eden is not in this world. In another sense, nothing in Creation has changed except us. We are still in Eden, but we cannot discern it as Eden. The problem is that the definition of “this world” includes being mortal in a place that was designed for us to be immortal. So instead of a nice private park, it’s a huge freaking mess of things we did blindly trying to make a life here without that divine understanding. We don’t know how this world works.

So instead of having a living connection to God’s understanding of His Creation, we are obliged to walk back through a prolonged process of digging into a written record of revelation and moving ourselves back into alignment with His revelation, to reclaim that broken connection we had with Him in the Garden of Eden.

That means forsaking all the human efforts to remake the world into a “better place.” It means drawing ever closer to Eden, where everything is how God set it up in the first place. We have to stop being so human, so mortal. We are required to start being eternal. The only way to finally return to Eden is to leave this mortal existence. We have to become so heavenly minded that we are no earthly good.

The Sword of the Spirit carves away all of our human concerns. It makes this world nothing more than some place to demonstrate for all to see that this world is not our home, not worth any concern. It will be completely wiped away when Jesus returns. What is worthy of our concern is His divine glory shining most clearly through our lack of interest in worldly things, and our obsession with eternal/spiritual things.

But in order to shine His eternal glory across the whole human race, He sends each of us into places, situations where humans are so busy pursuing advantages of this world, and we get involved only to demonstrate not pursuing those advantages. We play along with all kinds of nonsense; there are all kinds of ways to manifest His glory in the midst of nonsense.

In everything, we should be able to see clearly with the eyes of our hearts the best way for humans to do things, because we are permitted to reestablish some measure of that living connection with God. We can understand what His written revelation says about human activity. He speaks to our hearts about ways things could be brought closer to His ideals for this mortal frame of existence. Only in rare accidents does any human reckoning get somewhere close to divine truth. The rest of the time, humans are flatly wrong about what is going to work well, what is going to bring us God’s blessings, what is going to shine His glory.

We call it Biblical Law, the ways of God in a fallen world. People in the main want nothing to do with it. All their institutions, and even their civilizations are hopeless, false dreams of what cannot be. That includes America, regardless of what you may imagine “America” means. It was built on a rejection of God’s Word, and it will fall because of rejecting God’s Word.

Stop trusting the system. Use it for His glory; use it according to your mission and calling, according to the opportunities He puts in your hands. But the system is hopeless, built on lies. It was never what Christ taught; nothing mankind has done has ever been what Christ taught. And as we get closer to That Day when He returns, we have been warned things will only get worse. Step back and let the system fall, because there is nothing any human can do to stop it.

God has no desire to save it, because it was never precious to Him. It has never looked like His Son. There is nothing in Western Civilization that reflects the power of the Cross. It has always been founded on the sand of human imagination, an imagination that started out rejecting revelation. It was dead before it was first stood up.

Sure, we most certainly could do better, but nobody with any human authority is interested in that. Learn the lesson: Mankind at large cannot be subjected to Biblical Law by any means God has put in our hands. On rare occasions we can gather a tiny few souls who at least agree with revelation, even if they never quite rise to it’s high truth. The whole truth of divine revelation is provided as a standard that proves mankind is unable and unwilling. It is a testimony against humanity’s choice to trust their own capabilities.

The only solution is to live solely in seeking a blessed testimony in death. This world is of no real use to anyone. It is the realm of shadows and lies, and the only light you’ll ever see is in your own soul. This realm of existence is permanently broken.

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