More Vax Info

This is partly hyperbole, and it won’t do anything to help change the minds of very many people, and that’s not why I share it. Rather, it is a good reminder of what to expect in the coming months: Dr. Sean Brooks on the COVID mRNA vaccine. This links to a video, which I’m told was recorded at a school board meeting in Ohio. That’s all I know about the setting. It’s all over the Net. There’s a PDF transcription of the presentation here.

Again, it’s partly hyperbole. However, the underlying drift seems accurate when compared with a lot of other stuff I’ve read. We should expect a lot of people who took the vax to die in the coming months. Some censored doctors have been trying to say the worst effects are long term. That doesn’t stay the Lord’s hand from healing you, but it also doesn’t keep Him from letting a lot of people die from it as part of some plan we couldn’t grasp. Follow your convictions.

Update: Okay folks. Stop and think about this. The vax is a self-selecting Darwin Award. If any part of what Dr. Brooks says is true, then a large number of people will start having major health problems in just the next couple of months. It will snowball. Think about who those people are. What will the world be like if a couple million folks — the kind who are eager to buy into the vaccine propaganda — all die or suffer catastrophic health problems? What does that do to the economy? The Internet? The medical industry? Government?

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