Protocol for Building a Covenant Community, Part 2

This is spiritual warfare. If you recall any part of the most recent series on that subject, you should recognize the dynamics of reclaiming what God said was already yours. At least some of the souls on your mission field are meant to be a part of your covenant treasures. Reclaiming them requires you first ensure you have that covering as firmly in place as you can make it.

It’s not a question of what you see with your eyes. This might take a while on the fleshly level of things. Some of the great things in my life for which I prayed took 90 days or so. The protocol for that was to go out in the dark hours of the mornings before I went to work, and walk the quiet sidewalks of my neighborhood, praying audibly, if not particularly loud.

This is another of those situations. It’s worth a heavy investment up front, and we give God as long as it takes. This is His work. Frankly, the high investment in prayer time ensures that we are truly ready for what He’s going to do anyway, with or without us.

This morning, instead of sitting on my sidewalk spot, I’m going to walk up and down the sidewalks in front of the apartments, praying for the Lord to allow me to discover the treasures of His provision. There is no higher gift in this life than the fellowship of the saints.

That’s the whole lesson here in this post: Invest the time in prayer. Just do it.


Now, if you are feeling intimidated, pray upon yourself the spiritual armor described in Ephesians 6:10-20 —

1. The belt of revelation will help to keep you from tripping over yourself and your human limitations.

2. The breastplate of righteousness will stop the inside attacks that get past your outer defenses. Reject false guilt; embrace the cleansing blood of the Cross for honest guilt. The Lord has granted us His righteousness.

3. Feed shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace will ensure you get traction in every situation. Know the message and be ready to express it in how you live. You are the message.

4. The shield of faith will extinguish the temptations you face. It’s your commitment to the Father’s Kingdom that keeps you out of trouble.

5. The helmet of salvation is the sense of assurance that deflects the attacks you don’t see coming. He declares you ready and fit, so don’t be afraid of things you can’t control.

6. The sword of the Spirit is His revelation at work in you. Having already turned that sword on our own fleshly nature, we are ready to cut through the crap of this world.

7. Keep praying and never give up.

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One Response to Protocol for Building a Covenant Community, Part 2

  1. Iain says:

    That armor done me good today brother!

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