Odds and Ends 10

1. For something like three months, I would get up to go to work on the night shift. Show time varied during the week from midnight to four in the morning. For about an hour before I left, I would get dressed and wander the sidewalks of my neighborhood (Capitol Hill in OKC) and pray out loud in the solitude of empty streets.

That was 35 years ago, and I felt the call to missions. At that time, I knew my mission field — the military. It was just a matter of praying so that the military would take me back for a second tour of duty. It took a few months, but they did. I went off to wherever the military wanted me to go and it was a very powerful time in my life, something like 6 years. It came to an end when my knees went bad. The military wanted to keep me, but I knew it was over. More importantly, the mission had run its course. The people who were open to my ministry had rotated out, and the new crowd had little interest in such things.

That door is now completely closed; the military has no use for me at all. And to be honest, I was quite willing to make my local area the mission field. So I began praying toward that in all sincerity, using the same basic prayer methods. I get out on the sidewalks before dawn and stroll slowly, praying out loud for the Lord’s Presence to come and fill the place.

So now I’m getting visions of traveling to another place. These visions aren’t coming from inside my own head. But there is no sense of who is the mission field, and certainly not where. Most of all, there is no sense of who would sponsor this mission, no sense of an ostensible cover for it. So now I have to pray in more generic ways about this until the Lord sees fit to add some definition.

2. I’d rather we don’t use that “Mark of the Beast” language for the vaccines. Yes, it’s oppression and tribulation, but it’s not that kind of oppression. I know that whatever is actually in those injections is something that kills a few quickly, and a few more somewhat slowly. The vast majority will suffer long term debilitating effects that won’t manifest for years, but will certainly shorten their lives. A few will show no effects at all, and some very few will be protected by divine intervention. And the more jabs people take, the worse the effects will be. That is reason enough to resist.

It doesn’t qualify as the Mark of the Beast because it’s not an outright moral evil to take the shots. It’s not a question of breaking the Covenant, which is what the symbol means in the Bible. There is no particular idolatrous allegiance involved. It may sound good to some folks to sell that imagery for propaganda purposes, but that’s not a good reason to resist. It’s just a health threat with economic strings attached.

3. You should expect a rapid rise in madness, of outlandish behavior and statements. Demonic activity of that sort often takes time to develop and bear fruit. I saw it coming some years ago, and it’s only going to get worse. Recently was a big surge in my area. Some of it is simply people who have been doing evil for a long time have suddenly pushed their luck and got caught. Some of it is people just going off the deep end in the same direction they’ve been heading all along. This is how it works when the Lord’s wrath falls on a country like ours.

So you should expect a significant rise in hostility, of political hatred expressed in words and actions, and all kinds of inhumanity. There is no such thing as social restraint any more. Try to understand: External restraints are contextual. When the Lord’s wrath starts flowing in earnest, those collapse. At the same time, people seeking a clear conscience before the Lord will find more strength with internal restraints. The Lord’s Presence is polarizing that way.

4. Keep an eye on economics. Any day now, the just-in-time delivery system will break down. It won’t be all at once; it will be worse in some places. In your area it will cover different things compared to other areas. Already we are seeing locally a significant rise in some food prices. It becomes a matter of adjusting one’s diet and cooking habits.

But it’s the same all the way throughout the chain of supply, affecting the people who provide your food. For example, we have a lot of dairies around my area, but I expect the prices to shoot through the roof rather suddenly, especially for liquid milk. The weak link in the chain is the processing and packaging. That could simply disappear all at once. Try to imagine dairies scrambling to do direct sales because the centralized milk plants shut down. Bring your own containers out to meet the truck or horse-drawn wagon.

Anything highly centralized is vulnerable.

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