Building Moral Infrastructure

It’s not hard to see oppression. You can feel it in the mask mandates, lock-downs and vaccine requirements, “green” restrictions, etc. And it’s not hard to see how a relative handful of elites are pushing it all. They’ve admitted openly many times that they want most of us dead. It won’t matter which brand of agenda you check, the elite schemes are all agreed that some 90% of the human race needs to die soon.

It won’t happen, can’t happen. A bunch will die, but not according to their plans. When you examine the Scriptures for God’s revealed plans, those things won’t happen until the final end of all things. We aren’t there yet. As I’ve noted before, too many biblical cues are missing. What we have instead is just another miniature apocalypse, something less than a Noahic Flood level of event. Even if we get hit with a mini-nova in the next few decades, everything indicates that it won’t be an extinction event. There’s no reason to expect that God will allow some fallen sinners to obtain that level of population reduction at their behest.

I remain convinced that this is just another Tower of Babel event. It will be some kind of major turning point in the human condition, but we can’t know how it will turn out from where we stand now. There is very little we can and should do about any of this.

On the one hand, you may have a commission from God to take some particular course of action that would qualify as resistance. Dive right in, but you should know that in broad general terms, people of faith have no moral obligation to join in any kind of organized resistance. There is no particular Christian duty.

And I’ve already warned that we can’t stop the destruction of America (whatever that means to you) because it’s a matter of God’s wrath. The one good lesson we draw from the Tower of Babel is that God will have decentralization in human government. If we don’t obey His Laws and do it voluntarily, He’ll take action from time to time to force it. He shatters empires on principle, because they are inherently evil.

So what’s left? It should be obvious you would try to avoid the vaccine, because it’s already been admitted that the elites are using it as a depopulation scheme. It’s designed to kill, sooner or later. If you feel you can’t avoid it, trust the Lord for how it turns out. We believe in miracles. He can heal and prevent the poison from harming you, but He may not do so, for any number of reasons. That’s what faith means; follow your convictions and let God handle the results.

The one thing we can do is share the message. The burden upon us is that the gospel message not die. Granted, we Radix Fidem folk invest that with a meaning not common among other folks who claim to be Christians. We want to keep our message alive, and to some degree distinct from theirs. We want the heart-led way of conviction and the Covenant path to stay alive in the minds of at least a few men in every generation. A much broader label we use is Christian Mysticism, but again with our own preferred definition of that term. If you are like me, you just can’t imagine that this is a flash in the pan. God has begun something in our time that He intends to keep alive.

So, it behooves us to study the ways of sharing the truth, and in particular, sharing the truth against the background of elitist censorship. Like it or not, we are stuck with using the Internet for the time being, and that requires keeping track of how we can use it to dodge censorship. As noted in a previous post, we can certainly refine our understanding of the gospel message online, but the only way we can actually share it is face-to-face. And I’ve tried to share some protocols for carrying out the mission of sharing where you live. It starts with a serious investment in prayer.

Going way back before this blog, or any other blog I’ve operated, I have known that the proper setting for spreading this message would be a time of tribulation. That means the Four Horsemen have to show up. There have to be charismatic leaders, war of some kind, economic distress and disease. We’ve got most of that in the works already. Keep in mind that the primary warfare this time around is information, but that’s a matter of emphasis. There still has to be literal bloodshed in the mix somewhere, and we haven’t seen a lot of that yet. So the tribulation factor is still coming at us. But at some point, things will get nasty enough for folks to start questioning their assumptions about life. A few of them will be ripe for our message.

There may be some practical differences between church folks and genuine outsiders to Christian belief, but in terms of how we approach the task of evangelism, it’s not a big difference. We teach that no part of spiritual birth is in human hands; it’s not a decision. Rather, the business of evangelism is helping people recognize whether the Lord has chosen them, and then to help them live out the implications of that. Getting “saved” is all about your heart-led commitment to walking in the Covenant. So there are plenty of church folks who will need to hear it from scratch, just like folks with no church background.

More recently my convictions tell me that a major element in this shake-up from Heaven will include an exodus from the mainstream churches. I remain convinced that we are waiting on the hand of God to manifest some kind of moral disaster in the church leadership, some kind of obvious compromise that will cause a substantial minority to question being a part of the system. That will be the sign we seek, the thing for which we prepare as the primary mission field.

So all of this waits on the Lord’s convenience. Our task now is preparation. Both in terms of facing the Four Horsemen, but also in terms of having sharpened our gospel message presentation. You have to live it before you can speak about it. Our testimony is the high privilege of Biblical Law and the shalom that comes with it. So the big thing is to enter yourself into the timeless stream of the Covenant on earth and manifest the mystical orientation of walking in obedience to His Word. Build up as much moral infrastructure as you can.

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