Don’t Get Lost

Do not debate; it’s merely a delaying tactic.

Always be willing to explain, but never agree to stop and discuss the merits of your position. We share information among ourselves to ensure our obedience to God is properly understood. The human mind was given by God to organize and implement faith, but the mind was never designed to make moral decisions about right and wrong. Faith alone is the fount of truth in the human soul.

The issue is not the vaccine, but the choice you must make before God. No earthly government has any business demanding you do anything with your body. You are the property of a higher authority. You are accountable to God for such decisions. Further, how you choose to resist is between you and your Lord. But that we must resist is a rather obvious matter of faith in God.

The Spirit is strong, but the flesh is weak. My mission as elder/pastor is to help you stay focused on what really matters. The issue is a rather clear threat from people using government power to erect another Tower of Babel. The intent is to enslave the human race, to force us to cater to the idolatrous whims of a small elite group. They have already made clear their intent to slaughter 90% of the human race with no hint of justice.

The medical protocols and treatment shed innocent blood, and it defiles the land. God’s wrath is coming and surely justified. There is no way God can have His justice without making one hell of a mess. Our only hope of mitigation for ourselves from His wrath is the Blood on the doorposts of our lives. But this works only so well as we cling to each other, and stand near each other. This is true on both levels. We are limited in what we can do in the physical realm, since we are so scattered geographically. However, the Lord will honor our efforts to cling to each other in the virtual realm.

The blood on the doorposts was a ritual; it was obedience to a command of God. It was a matter of the Covenant. It was prior to the Covenant of Moses, but was given under the Covenant of Abraham to the Children of Abraham, as it was counted in those days. That silly ritual served the purpose and protected them from a miraculous destruction.

The Covenant of Christ is somewhat less about rituals like that. The only blood that matters now is the Blood of the Cross. Still, the principle of obedience has not gone anywhere. What marks us out today is our heart-led commitment to serve the Lord. As promised, the Lord has written His Law on our hearts; we obey our convictions. Paul said we still examine the written record (be diligent, rightly discerning) of Israel’s faith to understand with our minds the shape of those convictions.

What holds us together is our common commitment to a shared expression of that ineffable faith. According to the judgment against the Tower of Babel, we understand that the Body of Christ will be scattered over the face of the earth, with a fractured and decentralized structure, as if each were speaking an entirely different language. What holds us together is no measure of fleshly unity, but of unity in our commitment to the Lord.

The true testimony of our faith is how we manage to overcome the fleshly weakness and commune together in His love. It’s not the lack of conflict, because conflict is hard-wired into our mortal existence. Rather, it’s how we manage that conflict and still stand so close to each other in small communities. We don’t do it by debate, but by the feudal structure ordained by God in His Law. We compromise with each other for the sake of fellowship, without surrendering our varied convictions. We form communities on the grounds of how similar our convictions are in practice.

Those outside of our faith communities aren’t supposed to understand. We do not yield to human reason, but to faith alone. Convictions drive us together or apart, depending on what God intends for that context. But it’s by our commitment to this unreasonable state of affairs that marks us out as His people, the ones He will spare when His wrath falls. Do the hard work of fellowship so the Lord will know whether to spare (pass-over) us. It’s never a matter of reason, but of faith alone.

Don’t get sucked into playing along with the enemy’s schemes.

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