Just Being Evil

Don’t mind me; I don’t take myself too seriously.

This blog is not nearly so private as it once was. It went from ten views per day for a couple of years to more like 100 in recent weeks. Once or twice a post has hit several hundred. I don’t resent people linking to my posts if they believe in the message, but there are plenty of people who really don’t understand our fundamental purpose here.

Yesterday someone left a comment that condemned faith and the Scripture, and demanded that I support white racial identity and Western Civilization. The online community for that kind of thing is far larger than you might expect. Their numbers are much bigger than our Radix Fidem covenant fellowship — exponentially larger, and their activism is surging. Naturally I dumped that comment as spam.

The New Testament churches dealt with Judaizers and evangelistic idolaters, along with oppressive governments. I haven’t faced too many Zionists lately (inheritors of the Judaizer campaign), and pagans have been very scarce, but that ugly comment was a fine example of anti-Christian advocacy. It’s not just the mainstream wokies that will come after us, using the power of Big Tech, because we favor none of the bigger movements.

Most advocacy assumes that we would be open to persuasion. They don’t understand faith at all. In their world, it’s all a matter of what’s in your head or your emotions. They assume that manipulation should work, and when it fails, it’s only because of some moral evil and intransigence.

You can see it everywhere in our world. Have you ever analyzed the Western safety codes for their underlying values? Their starting point is to assume that every human is an economic asset for society. By letting you live, you are beholden to the mainstream. That there are several competing mainstreams is not the point. It all becomes a cover for the State. In other words, all safety codes assume that the State owns you.

Thus, your physical health and safety are paramount, while your sanity and things you really value are trash. You are a mechanism, not a person. If there’s something really important to you in an emergency situation, you are legally forbidden taking any risks preserving that thing. Your convictions don’t exist, and it is illegal for you to value anything more than your life.

That’s what we have in the common online advocacy customs — your convictions don’t exist. They cannot imagine that your commitments can be rooted above human capabilities. There is no divine; we are just meat machines and this life is all there is. If you can’t be persuaded by their noise, then you are just being evil.

Let them label me “evil.” Whether or not white people will survive in the future is not something humans can decide. Yes, I was born with blond hair and blue eyes, but that was for God to choose. There is a God in Heaven who controls such things, and His purposes are inscrutable. And the same goes with civilizations. Furthermore, I really do not like Western Civilization and I’ll be glad to see it go. It has always been the enemy of genuine Christian faith, seeking at every turn to pervert its meaning. Genuine faith in God will be here long after the West is forgotten.

As always, I have to note here that “Christian” — of or pertaining to following Christ — is not what most people think it is. The Bible is an Ancient Near Eastern (ANE) mystical book; Jesus was an ANE man, and Christianity is an ANE religion. It is very far different from anything cooked up in Western Civilization. The Western Church departed from ANE faith very early in the game in order to cultivate Roman government approval. The Book of Revelation predicted that, referring to the Harlot Church and the Beast government. Yes, Western Civilization was pretty much built by the Harlot Church.

We belong to the Kingdom of Heaven, and this world is doomed. When our Lord pleases to bring us Home, we shall rejoice that we were able to escape this Vale of Sorrow. Eternity is our ultimate reward.

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