Ride Photos 08

Shot from a distance over a golf course, this fancy building is the infamous Douglas High School. It’s all minorities and violence is quite common. It’s run almost like a prison, I’m told.

Sylvester Stalone is in Oklahoma filming a TV series called Tulsa King. A lot of scenes are shot in OKC, though. I saw this back portion of the Outdoor Sports/Bass Pro parking lot (left) filled with these mostly generic vehicles several months back and wondered what it was. I rather thought it looked like stuff used in movies and TV, and it turns out they are connected to Stalone’s project.

Along the River Trails, this field of grass isn’t dead (right), just hibernating through the drought. The first time it gets some rain, most of this will green up in a day or two.

This morning the storm clouds started on the east. There was an odd break that allowed the only real daylight (below) for a few hours. Keep in mind that our storms here in the Midwest almost invariably come from the west, so these have already passed over. The radar history offered on one site shows they formed over our heads, but didn’t rain until passing east of us.

However, a decent amount of storm clouds continued forming overhead, and eventually gave us some rain. I had planned to ride out to the North Canadian River bridge on Hefner Road to trim some foliage, but never even got halfway before the rain started falling. It was heavier north of my home, and Hefner Road is quite a ways north. Anyway, I turned back and went to our local park and started trimming some parts of the park I had missed last week. It drizzled for a short while, but it was enough rain to get everything wet. This is a shot of the storm clouds breaking up (right).

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2 Responses to Ride Photos 08

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    Those are some decent cloud shots. On a more flat landscape (than where I live), you get some better views of them.

    • ehurst says:

      Thanks. Cloud photography can be tricky. It’s one of those things that never turns out in photos as they do in reality. You have to estimate how it will look, because even the camera’s view screen won’t tell you the truth.

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