Become a Rock of Offense

I’ve mentioned often enough my concern that we little people will be shut out of sharing information over the Internet. Private communications will continue for a long time, but TPTB will move to squelch actual publication of anything they don’t like.

In the past, I approached it from the angle that I would be censored from sharing my message. I’ve been trying to inject my voice into the freewheeling discussion of things on the Net, something millions of others have been for some time free to do. Previously, the elites didn’t even understand the Internet, so they were slow to act.

Well, now they do understand it. For several years, they’ve slowly introduced the idea that they should squelch unapproved publications on the Net by various approaches. Right now, we have the UN leadership on record announcing they have come up with a plan for this censorship that would affect the entire global Net. At the same time, activist voices in every country that previously lauded free speech have been grinding down the mere notion of it. In other words, it’s been attacked from all sides. TPTB are already implementing their plans.

I want you to understand this: The whole range of what can be published on the Net, such that it can be accessed by just about anyone, is going to change in just a few months. You may well have the means and technical knowledge to get your writing hosted on a server that is linked to the Net at large, but people seeking that writing will be blocked from it. The underlying system of addressing (DNS) will be altered so that all links to your hosted content will be hidden, or outright blocked.

The old guard of total freedom on the Net are passing from the scene. The newer generations were compromised in childhood, and have grown up believing in various measures of wokism.

All of those small, independent operators will be forced onboard with this plan, by how TPTB will seize control of all the bigger connectivity suppliers that feed the independents. In previous years we’ve seen the Borg shut down sharing on the big social media services, and now it’s coming to the little guys.

Stop for a moment and consider: How do you decide that something you hear privately isn’t just a rumor? How do you build a worldview that filters out the nonsense? For most of us, we’ve had trusted sources on the Net, people who seem to have opened the door to thinking and ideas that seemed to call our names. Over the past decade, those sources have been trimmed down by various means. The last few will soon be silenced, as well. We used to have people we could trust to quickly respond to elitist lies, and a few who could beat them to the punch, but in the near future, you won’t have anybody to turn to for a dissenting viewpoint.

Your option to hear opposing voices is quickly being shut down. Granted, some paths will remain open for quite some time, but they will become increasingly restricted to those who are more technically inclined. I suppose there will always be hidden channels, but hiding stuff from TPTB also tends to hide it from those who really want it. Pretty soon you won’t be able to buy a device that allows you to bypass the controls.

There is nothing you can do to fight this. Yes, it is theoretically possible to roll back this awful smothering tide, but the people don’t have the will for it. Given the tactical situation, it would require a million assassins, because anything short of slaughtering the elite will not work. How would you get such a thing organized without using the Internet, and risking detection? Possible in theory, but such a thing is wholly improbable.

The only real answer is that you’ll have to develop the kind of independence of mind to stand for what really matters to you. You’ll need to make sure you are very clear on your convictions and learn to walk with your heart in the lead.

You’ll also need to learn that what really matters is not what you know of the wider world, but what you know in your soul about the foul nature of fallen human flesh. You’ll have to know what sin is, how to recognize it when you see it. You never could really do much about such concerns as the war in Ukraine, unless you are among the few ready and able to go there and fight in battles on one side or the other. But very soon, you won’t even be able to hear any honest reports about what’s happening there. And you’ll have to learn why that really doesn’t change anything for you personally.

Everything you read will be a lie, and you’ll need your own internal source of truth. We’ve seen how even our Bibles have been altered by TPTB — all the more so if you reading it on an electronic device — so there is no objective source in this world. There is only the Holy Spirit speaking through your own heart. You had better know the Word of God well enough to sense directly what is and isn’t true. You’ll have to know internally what God requires of you before anyone tries to compel you to sin.

And you should know that our world is ruled by people who are determined to defile you in every way possible, intent on removing the divine covering, so that you cannot keep yourself from Satan’s clutches. You’ll need to become a rock of offense that withstands the flood of lies.

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