This I’ll Defend

It doesn’t matter what people think of me. Hostile comments I’ve deleted on this blog are just part of the process. It’s the impertinent comments that get my attention. At least some of my readers have the wrong idea about what I believe and teach. Maybe I can help them; it’s worth a shot. If you are going to hate me, let’s make sure you have a clear idea why.

The whole point of the gospel message is that Christ has the power to change people. As someone who believes in predestination, I’m convinced there are some choices you cannot make. But you do have some options, and one of them is choosing to bow the knee and make Jesus Christ your Master and Lord. Creation itself is feudal, and fallen mankind does have the freedom to choose submission and allegiance to the Creator and His Law. Jesus is the Law of God. If you embrace God’s Law, you will be changed, Elect or not. It’s a matter of the heart, of convictions, and we are all born with convictions.

This is true for all humans. Divine revelation pointedly says your ethnic identity means nothing when it comes to making Christ Lord in your life. You either leave that behind or you don’t get there. Your ethnic identity — your “race” — has no bearing on the question, because that’s part of your fleshly existence.

However, once that choice is made, you are still left to live in this fallen world, dragging along the ball and chain of your fleshly nature. You still have to account for how that fleshly nature operates. The Law of God warns that there are practical issues, constraints that must be put on the flesh, to keep it from getting in the way of Eternity’s business.

These constraints often come in sets, patterns that we struggle to accept, because they are processed in the heart-mind, but applied in the flesh. So we have all these rules in God’s Law about human sexuality. We have rules about covering our flesh with clothing. We have rules about what’s appropriate for the two sexes, and more rules about what’s appropriate for children, and what isn’t appropriate. We also have exceptions to those rules based on divine priorities, which priorities will register in your convictions. It’s not simple and easy; you can’t memorize the rules and be done with it.

The rules cannot be clearly stated in words; they cannot be contained in human logic. You are obliged to get your heart in control of things and not trust your own intellect to figure it out. That’s part of God’s Law.

Part of this whole thing is that I am by no means constrained by your convictions, and you aren’t constrained by mine. Instead, we have a pattern of cooperation demonstrated in the Bible that includes feudalism and tribal social structure. If I’m the elder of a community, the limits of my authority are within that community. You have to volunteer to be within my moral domain. It’s not a question of agreeing with my convictions; all that’s really required of you is playing along as much as possible. Nobody says you have to stay within the limits of my convictions, but when you don’t, you can’t have my moral covering. All you have to do is tolerate me, hopefully with good humor, until the Lord calls you to some other situation.

Since I don’t take myself too seriously, you aren’t required to, either.

But if you can’t leave behind your fleshly identity — race, ethnic culture, traditions, etc. — then you have not come under my moral covering. You are not a part of the family. You may be an ally, but you aren’t under our community covenant. It’s unavoidable that my preferences will dominate; that’s part of the pattern of biblical law. If that makes you uncomfortable, feel free to join another community, or go start your own under your own convictions. The nature of what faith communities do requires that everyone be comfortable doing things in pretty much the same fashion.

I’m not trying to change who you are; I’m not trying to impose my thoughts on your hands. But if you can’t comfortably play along, you don’t belong. Some of the boundaries we must draw will include those that reflect who I am as elder. Don’t hinder the work God calls me to do as head of household. Make all the suggestions you like, but don’t interfere. If my ways are peculiar and only a tiny few can tolerate me, that’s the way it goes. I accept that.

It’s not hard to find good, solid studies indicating that your DNA has a lot to do with a certain range of tendencies. That’s part of our fleshly nature. We can do only so much to overcome that, while still dragging our fleshly nature around. In my experience, ethnic identity and skin color do have a high correlation to differences that are not easily resolved, never mind the cause.

I’m white with a strong Native American influence in my background. My white genes come with a lot of tendencies, but so does my native nurture. That puts me out on the fringes. If I step into your world, I know I won’t be comfortable for very long. Not many folks will be comfortable with mine. That’s okay; it’s the role I play in the Kingdom.

Part of my discomfort is just a matter of fallen fleshly nature, and cannot be changed. Part of it is moral conviction that says certain things people do are not right for me. And I’ll go so far as to declare some issues are fundamentally moral in nature, because the written Word says flatly that they are. So I reject Western Civilization as a whole, and common white culture is part of that. Some elements are harmless, even unavoidable, but plenty of elements of American white culture are downright evil.

But not for the reasons most activists assume. Stuff like CRT is very dangerous because it’s only partly truth. So is the Klan and some other crap out there.

I don’t favor race/ethnic conflict, but I find it generally unavoidable. There is no superior ethnic identity; all are fallen and filthy in one way or another. Chances are good that different ethnic backgrounds should avoid mixing too much. That’s just the nature of our fallen flesh, and until God grants you the power to overcome it, you won’t be comfortable with someone as weird as I am. My way is not superior; it’s just different. The greatest disaster to the gospel message has been the way people feel obliged to drag vastly different people into their churches, under the wholly fraudulent assumption that their church is the only answer God could possibly have, and end up with multiple communities under one roof.

The mere existence of multiple communities within a single church body is anathema. Separate “churches” should be separate churches.

The Tower of Babel is a part of God’s Law. It says that God demands we break up into a jillion tiny communities with highly varied languages and customs. Without that cultural uniformity within, you have no business being together. There is already enough conflict built into our human nature without aggravating things by mixing people with highly varied convictions. We should separate and depart in peace, going toward a fresh calling from God.

That’s what we should aim for. It won’t always be the case, but it’s our goal.

Sure, come hang out with me until you learn enough to start your own work. I’m glad to help you graduate; you’ll help me. That’s a major element in my ministry; I’ve always tried to spin off other ministries. My domain is an incubator, a hatchery. I don’t want you to copy me; I want you to feel led to hang around until you don’t. Let’s be colleagues as much as possible while you’re here. Take from me what you can use and leave behind what you cannot.

No, I will not defend the white race. White identity is a failure, and it will be destroyed when Christ returns. So will all the others. I will most certainly not defend Western Civilization; it has been more Satanic than all previous civilizations in human history. Like everything else, I’ll work with it while it stands, because I cannot avoid it. But I will not mourn its passing. As for the white race: On the one hand, it’s being eclipsed in many ways. Yet, it’s not going away. When the solar disasters hit earth within about 25 years, whites are particularly evolved to survive them. Some Asian races will also survive well. Most of the rest of the world will survive only by a miracle of God.

The issue is not whether people can organize, but how they do it. For one, it requires a propensity and culture of high education and adaptability. It requires a strong sense of social duty; a high trust factor helps. Self-reliance is a necessity, but it will demand being tribal. It requires the urge to sacrifice for others in your tribe, and there has to be a significant presence of such people or the community cannot make it. It’s not so much riding out the disasters as it is rebuilding afterward against vast difficulty that matters. You’ll need a strong sense of how your choices will affect future generations. Most of the world is not capable of doing what it takes.

I’m warning folks of the wrath of God falling on the whole world. This is my message; this is what my God has given me to share. A parallel but different message is not my problem. However, I have no choice but to treat any conflicting message as a lie from Hell.

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2 Responses to This I’ll Defend

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    The two second to last paragraphs are giving me a lot to think about.

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