One Fool Fighting Another

Zionism isn’t the only bad religious influence in American politics.

Do you remember the Moonies — the Unification Church? They are still around. Today their plans appear to be aimed at a massive infiltration of business, politics and media. They don’t get as much attention as before. Do you realize they founded and still control the Washington Times? That’s one of the stalwart “conservative” media outlets. I can recall when it was a major source in the online debate. It’s a similar thing with the conservative Epoch Times now rising in popularity as another conservative news outlet. That was founded by Falun Gong, another crazy cult from East Asia.

You’ll find those same sort of links throughout the conservative patriot activist network in the US. If not a direct influence, sometimes it’s just funding with a few strings attached. If you pay attention, you’ll detect some common themes in all of their noise-making. When an American makes noise about the Communist Chinese government, chances are they are taking money from some pagan special interest. China is not our problem.

I don’t have a problem with denouncing evil. The various globalist organizations with their Global Reset and several infamous published agendas are all bad things. Their public admiration of the communist leadership of China is a bad thing, because the Communist government is evil. Go ahead and ban TikTok; I have no argument with that. Actually I favor less free trade, because the lie of “free trade” has gutted our economy.

The problem is that the anti-CCP criticism only seems familiar to the American liberty movement concerns. They are using us to further their own goals by perverting the story of just what exactly threatens us. Yes, there are some similarities, but that doesn’t justify letting them hijack the whole story. Just because they say a few things that sound good to us doesn’t mean they are on our side.

How about that Global Research site? They cover a lot of conspiracy stuff very well. Do you know that Global Research in Canada is a Jewish communist site? I’ve pointed out the dangers of the Jewish ethnic agenda, and I stand by my assessment that Jews are Satan’s premier weapon against Christian faith. But that doesn’t mean the Devil is putting all his eggs in just one basket. The Moonies are just as Satanic, as are Falun Gong. These two aren’t quite as big and pervasive as Jews, but they are following the same basic plan of getting their hooks into everything they reach.

How many influential outlets out there belong to some dastardly secret agenda? From what I’ve seen, nearly all of them. It’s very rare to gain that kind of attention and influence without support from big money. And with big money there’s always strings attached; who pays the piper calls the tune. Lots of popular faces/voices on the Net are owned by some malevolent power behind the scenes. And that includes a great many in the conservative/patriot/liberty movement.

Do you think conservatives can’t be evil? Hey, even libertarian advocacy has a secret evil agenda, which is promoting monopolization of economic activity. In their eyes, it’s just fine if every facet of our existence is controlled by commercial monopolies. The Bible associates this with Babylon, the first and ultimate symbol of centralization. God so hates centralization that He destroyed the original Babylon through divinely ordained decentralization.

I suppose if we wanted to boil it down to just one thing we can point to, that would be it: Centralization in the human sphere is inherently evil. Just about every evil I’ve highlighted above is rooted in the centralization that characterized the first Babylon. Nimrod used an ancient religion we associate with modern astrology to centralize the human race under his pagan agenda. The current globalist-leftist-wokist agenda, against the conservative-patriot-anticommunist agenda are simply two wings of the same Satanic bird of prey trying to kill and devour us.

Don’t be a fool; don’t get involved in the political fights.

The reason I refuse to get involved in American politics is not a direct disdain for political agitation itself. The problem I have with activism is that nobody is doing it right. Nobody is agitating for the real answer: the Covenant. Until there’s a movement that openly and consciously embraces the Covenant as the foundation, everything is a big lie. Half measures will not do. This is not ideology; this is a matter of faith in Christ. If He is not Lord of all, He’s not Lord at all. I belong to Him, and He’s the ultimate extremist, in that sense, at least.

Given the context, the only true faith answer is to avoid getting entangled. The farther and more completely I can withdraw from the mainstream, the better. And there is no way I can prescribe for you what due separation looks like. I can outline some basic ideas, but that’s nothing more than repackaging what the Bible already says. The goal is not any kind of accomplishment in human terms, but simply drawing closer to the Lord.

There’s no point in getting involved because, in every current movement, faith is excluded from the start. Until someone stands up for actual faith in Christ and His Covenant, our best bet is to cloister ourselves away from the evil mainstream.

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