The Last Nail

I like this. It took too long to see it published. Be sure you scan the comments, too.

I’ve said in the past that the various disputes between factions in the first few centuries of Church History were almost entirely a matter of asking the wrong questions. Groups of men arrogantly insisted they were fit to rule on things no human could possibly know.

For example, the Nestorian Heresy was simply the matter that Nestorius dared to suggest that Mary was just a standard Jewish mom chosen for a unique task. The task was unique; Mary was not. This whole business of gilding the lily by retroactive declarations of doctrine on things that could not possibly matter was a serious distraction to the actual work of the Great Commission. The controversy over what Nestorius said or didn’t say became in some ways the basis for Mariolatry.

I realize how hard it is to back away from such things, to take a position outside such disputes. It must be really difficult, because the whole range of Christian religious institutions don’t seem to grasp the radical cultural difference between the West and the revelation of God. It doesn’t help that the Hebrew people really struggled with breaking themselves from pagan superstitions. Thus, we have to dig deep into the prophets and learn to think like a real Hebrew when reading the Torah and the New Testament.

Reverence for fallen femininity is pagan. It’s sponsored by Satan. He has a very major ranking demon in charge of it. That demon has been quite faithful and successful, because almost the entire range of Western Christianity is feminist. I realize how difficult it is to get that across because the vast majority of those who defend their churchly position keep trying to redefine feminism so that it doesn’t apply to them.

Let’s jump across a big pile of bullshit: As long as men cannot defeat their own lusts, and they maintain on obsessive interest in getting nooky, they are worshiping demons. The man who is able to keep his lusts nailed to the Cross is a real man.

I’m not talking about keeping it out of your mind. I’m talking about being able to operate as if satisfying your sexual urges has no priority. At what point of temptation can you no longer keep it in your pants, guys? Do you know your own weaknesses? It doesn’t require castration and feminizing yourself in order to do this right. It means putting up with the hellish howling of your testosterone so that it can be used for something worthy of Christ.

Nor does it mean refusing to deal with women at all. It means recognizing that a major false idol in American society is the vagina, and that the vast majority of the women you encounter will be devoted to that filthy idol. The culture you see around you is so deeply defiled by it that it’s almost impossible for anyone to get an image of what God considers “normal”. Almost the entire range of “Red Pill” manosphere talk is still trapped deeply in talking about how to get nooky on any terms at all, whether ostensibly Christian or otherwise.

How about learning not to give damn? Because as long as we don’t rise above that, damnation is what we have. If you have to compromise with the what the Bible calls idolatry of the vagina in order to get anything done, then you are doing the wrong things.

I won’t attempt to lay down for you what it means to escape the cult of the vagina. You won’t get any details from me. You need to come up with your own details, between you and the Lord. But if you don’t at least spend some time before the Lord in prayer about this, you will never break free from bondage. I will tell you it is a radical departure from American culture in particular, and western culture in general. It means becoming a complete alien being in our world. It means the high probability of doing without nooky for the rest of your life, guys.

What part of yourself have you not yet nailed to the Cross?

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One Response to The Last Nail

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    “It means the high probability of doing without nooky for the rest of your life, guys.”

    I’m glad you mentioned this, because that’s what was running through my head when I read the article at SF. It’s gonna take a huge miracle, particular to the woman, to even start to follow a man’s lead, much less to start it and keep following him. The implication is obvious: no real Christian man in America is likely to find a wife because of that. If that’s how it has to end up, then so be it. But men need to be explicitly told that as well.

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