Getting Around It

The banking crisis is just another part of an ongoing, long-term plan of passive-aggressive conquest. From Paul Craig Roberts:

To summarize, smaller conservative and prudent banks that invested in “safe” assets such as US Treasury bonds face bank runs. Larger banks with massive derivative risks are one bond trader’s mistake away from exploding the financial system. The 2008 crisis and the potential for more crises rests entirely on the repeal of Glass-Steagall and the enactment of Frank-Dodd. We are looking at the total, complete failure of intelligence on the part of the US government and economists. Their handiwork has the capability of collapsing the existing financial system of the world. It was the work of total idiots.

There is, of course, the question: Is this real stupidity or is a plot unfolding to collapse the financial system as we have known it in order to “save” us with the introduction of central bank digital currency? Are we passing from the remnants of democracy and self-government into total tyranny?

A study finds that 200 US banks face the same risk as those that destroyed Silicon Valley Bank. The Federal Reserve’s higher interest rates are destroying the banks’ solvency. Yet the Federal Reserve has not backed off its disastrous policy, and with Credit Suisse’s failure looming, the EU central bank raised interest rates! Yes, people are stupid. But are they this stupid? Could this be intentional with a secret agenda in mind such as digital currency?

I believe it is a secret agenda. The implementation of a bank-controlled digital currency means the government gets to decide how you spend your money, and eventually, whether you get to keep it in the first place.

This is part of a larger pattern. Let’s put it into perspective.

Biblical Law is not reasonable; it’s a matter of faith. You can gin up all kinds of reasoning, and maybe even some practical outcomes, as the motivation for accepting something that resembles Biblical Law, but only at the cost of ignoring the miraculous hand of God in that law.

A core element in neocon policy is the cynical embrace of a moral code to bring about a stable and prosperous society, thus enabling a military conquest policy over any foreign government that dares to refuse their imperial economic and political dominance. They don’t actually believe in the God of the Bible, but raise up some body of law and custom based on human reason and traditions, and they call it Judeo-Christian values, making it a false god. It bears only a superficial resemblance to the Covenant of Moses or the teachings of Christ.

But there are too many people who resist such a value system, and not merely because it’s bogus. Rather, they are morally rebellious and promote an alternative that is either secular or pagan, but the result is about the same; it’s feminist at heart. Thus, we have globalism rising from the roots of feminism. The neocons were once part of that crowd, but as the left became more radical, the neocons left to form their own agenda. Instead, the neocons hijacked the conservative movement. They tolerate the dominance of the Zionist Christian voting block.

You really need to understand that neocons are not Zionist, but are using Zionists to get things done. Yes, “neocon” is a label that points back to the Jewish ethnic agenda, but they would prefer not to have a home state for Jews. It’s pure elitism. Their moral cover depends on Jews having no “home” for refuge from persecution. The claim to being a poor, persecuted minority (essential to their manipulation) is weakened by the existence of a political entity like Israel.

Get this: Jews and the Jewish elite are two different things. The Pharisees have always been contemptuous of the peasants; “these people are accursed, not knowing the Law” (referring to the Talmud). This attitude is part of the Jewish elite ethnic agenda, which no longer includes such a strong religious element. It’s not exactly Talmudic, but is influenced by Talmudic ambitions as expressed in the False Messianic Expectations (see the Wilderness Temptations of Christ). At any rate, most Jews worldwide (the peasants) are leftist, and some are Zionist, whereas the core elite leadership is mostly neocon, a separate ideology. The stated neocon agenda is, for the most part, the expression of the Jewish ethnic agenda — manipulate the Gentile world into chaos and then take over as the saviors.

Thus, a neocon like Netanyahu can appear to be Zionist friendly, but in the long run, he’s trying to destroy the modern State of Israel as it has existed until now. That state has a very strong leftist voting block, and a competing orthodox voting block. Neither is amenable to neocon leadership. Netanyahu will at the least remake government so that the neocons can dominate without resistance. Thus, it can become the home of the neocon agenda, using military force to undermine and destroy any government that resists neocon global dominance. It makes Israel the single biggest thorn in the side of the whole world. If his policy destroys Israel, so much the better, to restore the image of Jews as having no refuge in this world.

It may not have started out that way, but in practice, the neocons are herding the globalists, preparing to push them out of the way at some point down the road. They also herd Zionists to get a voting block with money to support their agenda without really having to promote their agenda openly as neocon, which was somewhat discredited under Bush II.

Thus, globalist policy agenda items are often steered by neocons under various guises, because the neocons will use those same oppressive controls for their own policies later down the road. The Jewish elite agenda is not precisely to destroy the West, but to humble it under their authority by destroying the Gentile resistance to Jewish dominance. Jews hate us, but want very much to enslave us.

The globalist agenda to censor anything that isn’t “woke” enough is just what the neocons hope to hijack later. The effects of seizing banking will work a whole lot better if everything, including banking, is controlled via the Net. It’s the power of a deep conviction that fires one’s whole life, but without the messiness of having to inculcate such a fire by personal interaction. It simply becomes impossible to do anything that isn’t controlled by those beliefs, never mind what is inside your soul. You will have no leverage whatsoever to resist.

In other words, the neocons have learned from at least some of their mistakes. What we see in the Netanyahu takeover of Israel’s government is their dream for the entire world. But if the globalists will implement the mechanism for them, why not let them run with it? Once the insane wokism becomes intolerable, the neocons can swoop in and bring us some relief. The pattern has already been established by using various “sane” lefties as foils to the insane wokism, like Jordan Peterson. He’s a lefty globalist, but everyone ignores that because he promotes a saner brand of leftism. Neocons only pretend to be right-wing; they are still secretly lefty, just the “sane” version that dominated Democrats before they were radicalized by the New Left.

As we’ve often noted before: The Radix Fidem way is to step back from all of this. We have an otherworldly message, not a competing political agenda. Yes, we could come up with better policies, but the foundation of any better human government is Biblical Law, or what Catacomb Resident calls “the Covenant” — AKA, the Code of Noah. Anything less does not warrant our involvement.

Instead, we must pray and prepare for ways to get around the human political agenda and still present our message to the world.

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3 Responses to Getting Around It

  1. jerry walker says:

    The media is trying to generate bank runs. But what sense do bank runs make in modern times? Probably better to leave you4 money to be converted to th3 comint digitial dollar than take it out and have a wheelbarrow of worthless paper nobody will accept. And then, for regular people, doesn’t the government come after you if you take out more than 7k in a month? And the highway robber police that do “civil forfeitures.” The media wants to crash the banks eith bank runs and want you running so you will lose everything. Am I wrong?

    • ehurst says:

      Well, Jerry that depends on your situation and priorities. I was simply trying to describe the situation. What you do about it is a wholly different question.

      If you have enough money to fill a wheelbarrow now, it would be reasonable to purchase precious metals or some other physical item that will preserve it’s value through a political and economic crisis. If your priorities include a survival strategy, consider the Prepper route. But that’s between you and God. I’m getting by on a government funded pension, so I have no real choice. I’ll take whatever the government wants to put in my account at one of the biggest banks in the world, because it’s currently less likely to collapse. And I’m betting that in the next two years it’s highly probable my pension will stop coming, or it may become so worthless that it’s a joke.

      So while the money is coming and I can use it, I’ll buy a few things that I can use through a crisis and out the other side. For example, I’m getting my teeth fixed, investing in a really good bicycle, buying good camping gear, looking at some kind of affordable RV as my future home, etc. However, sometime in the next 20 years the Lord is going to destroy all civilization through solar disasters, so there’s really not much anyone can do about that.

    • ehurst says:

      Also, the media is not generating bank runs; they are cooperating with the process that they don’t control. The banking moguls are crashing the little banks on purpose.

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