What Happened to Catacomb Resident?

The shutdown wasn’t a cut-n-run; it was shielding a third party. The details are private.

Short answer: It was censorship. The blog itself served as a canary in the coal mine. It’s a funny thing how the use of anonymity, even as thin as that for the Catacomb Resident persona, can provoke people who don’t like the message.

We can only speculate what provoked the threat.

  1. Someone decided to stir up a “let’s you and him fight” episode about the Jewish predatory ethnic agenda. Satan was their patron deity long before Jesus was born. There was a series of posts on the issue.
  2. Bluntly referring to God as a barbaric feudal warlord with no compunctions about grisly destruction of men, women and children when they offend Him.
  3. The insistence that Covenant people don’t engage in human politics, and that we recognize the use of violence in that realm is utterly unavoidable. Indeed, people who really care about politics are stupid for imagining that they shouldn’t resort to violence.
  4. Any number of posts about the political and economic situation, trying to nail down what’s really going on, but no encouragement to take any kind of action.
  5. The idea that Satan is a competitor of Christ and still in rebellion is bogus nonsense. His current role as Prince of the Fallen Realm of human fleshly existence is a punishment, and he serves faithfully. He tempts and accuses his Master’s people, a common job in the Ancient Near East.
  6. Most of the biblical talk of “salvation” refers to the covenant way of life, and that your eternal destiny cannot be discussed directly, only in parables.

It could have been something else, but those issues stand out. There are a lot of people who have the same message, including yours truly. However, I write under my own name. I doubt we’ll ever know what it was or who was provoked by the message, but this does serve to warn that the freedom of the Net is already gone. People are taking actions to threaten anyone willing to tell the truth. Those actions are currently limited, but the limits are falling away.

It’s a common prediction that, by the end of 2024, you won’t find that kind of message online. This blog could be gone by then; the world will change greatly in the next two years. If you thought the Catacomb Resident message was important, you can still get a copy of the entire blog archive here. No special software is needed; it’s just flat HTML files. The internal links will be broken because some of them reference the original URL of the blog, but you can still read the posts. And it’s all in the public domain, so you can do anything you like with the files and the contents.

Of course, the same kind of content will appear on the Radix Fidem forum and to some degree here, as long as it’s possible.

Addendum: I forgot the most likely reason for the censorship: Failure to wave the American flag over the anointed Zelensky and his Ukrainian meat-grinder. The US government has been searching high and low for phantom Russian sock-puppets.

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One Response to What Happened to Catacomb Resident?

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    I <3 flat HTML. I grew on up designing dozens of sites with just HTML and minimal JavaScript and CSS.

    Looks like the site is down for good:

    The latest archive.org scan was January 24 this year. I kinda wish they had done a more recent one, but that's still pretty good.

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