Meet Your New Apocalypse

Just a few things to think about in the midst of political turmoil…

We focus on keeping our testimony alive, not our bodies. If our lives do not testify of the Father’s glory, there’s no reason He would keep us here. There’s no point surviving an apocalypse on Earth if you aren’t pointing to the Kingdom of Heaven.

There is no way possible for the people to rise up against the federal government. Do you realize that the few times anything came even close to that, it was provoked by Deep State figures for their use? Do you understand that virtually every significant assassination was carried out by the Deep State? We have no history of popular uprisings, and today’s generations are ever less likely to even understand why we might do so.

No, the only hope anyone has for evading slavery under the globalists and neocons is the rebellion of the states. This is how the US Beast will die. If you are living in a Blue State then you’ll suffer the wokism of globalist government. If you are living in a Red State you’ll still have to contend with the slimy manipulation of the neocons. Choose your poison. But to the degree any kind of liberty will be restored, it will be your state government. Decentralization is coming; keep your eyes open for various opportunities for constitutional crisis.

The majority of you would prefer a Red State government, simply because most of them would be likely to roll back egregious federal restrictions. But not all of the restriction, nor all of the Red State governments, by any means. Nobody is looking out for our actual well-being, but they will pretend they do. And there’s nothing you can do about it.

There are some things to keep in mind. If you are of the prepper mold, you can stock up on food, but nobody has a secure warehouse big enough to last very long without fresh supplies. The real issue is not how much you can store up, but whether you have the knowledge, skills and inclination to get more food when that runs out. It’s far more important to be good at getting food than to have a bunch of it. Just keep a little for emergencies and learn how to work with God’s ways to stay alive.

Always give Him room to take you Home earlier than you expected, and never be surprised by how He does it.

Along those lines, should you have serious doubts about whether you can endure torture, plan on resisting to the death. Make sure they are forced to kill you, because one thing’s for certain: You will be tortured if there’s any kind of round up. The US government is one of the worst in human history about tormenting people they don’t like. If you don’t sense a mission call to walk through that, don’t surrender alive.

Here’s a few more practical considerations. You may know the sunspot cycle is eleven years, and we are currently sliding into the peak of sunspot activity. From all we can see right now, the CMEs and flares have been pretty lightweight, and almost nothing hits Earth directly. Our magnetic shield is not so weak yet, except for the South Atlantic Anomaly. But as the magnetic poles shift quickly toward convergence at some spot just off the western coast of Malaysia, the general condition of that shield will decline dramatically. The next sunspot maximum hits in the mid-2030s, and that’s when we are likely to see the most damage before the micro-nova likely to come in the mid-2040s.

A significant CME that comes through the shield will heat all metal items. For example, the high tension power lines strung from high towers will heat and sag, breaking the connections and burning up all the transformers — they’ll mostly explode. A major flare will fry anything electronic. So you should be prepared to live without any electricity of any kind at least by the mid-2030s. Anything that could possibly survive that would be decisively wiped out in the micro-nova.

If you hope to survive all of the coming solar catastrophes, you’ll need a shelter with a good bit of rock between you and the sky, but zero metal. Concrete bunkers will not be safe. Anything that engages our magnetic shield — CMEs, flares, the coming micro-nova — will create a very heavy electrical flux. Protect your hand powered tools. There’s a good chance, for example, your shovel will survive if it’s not touching other metal implements; spread them out. You can put small items in plastic tubs and likely be okay, but a Faraday Cage would itself become extremely hot. There will be no safe grounding possible; the earth itself will be highly charged. We’ll see clear-sky lightening arcing down and burning patches of the ground.

And then, when Sol pukes up the accretion of excuse material, there’s all the charged particles and large clumps that congeal and turn hard before they get here, forming meteorites. It will be a huge mess. The majority of life on the earth will be destroyed. But to survive that, you still have to get through the political crap that’s stirring up right now.

The whole point is that people of faith need to dig ever deeper into that faith. There’s going to be less and less you can do about anything. The only thing you can really do is nail your fleshly nature to the Cross ever more firmly. Even that comes from the power God grants to His covenant children.

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