Covering Differences

It’s been explained before on the old Catacomb Resident Blog: Whether you are under the Covenant changes everything.

If you are committed to Biblical Law and live within the boundaries, you do not face the same world as everyone else. God discriminates; He plays favorites. People who obey His Word carry an entirely different motivation for living. Covenant people are focused on the glory of God. Our lives don’t matter for any other purpose. Along with this comes a large collection of promises that, in themselves, are part of His glory.

If you are Elect but fail to live within the boundaries of Biblical Law (for whatever reason), you still get some thin slice of the promises, but they are consistent with God’s plans for you. Without that feudal orientation, you will never quite understand God’s will and plans. You will carry a lot of false impressions. You won’t know what to expect from His promises, and you’ll end up disappointed quite often.

Most of humanity is functionally outside of the Elect. They have no consciousness of God’s will and no motivation to walk in Biblical Law, even if they happen to have an intellectual acquaintance with it. Those people have no promises from God; any favor they receive is random. There’s no personal nexus with God. The world they live in runs by a different logic altogether. What’s “smart” for them is entirely different from what God calls “wise” for His Covenant people.

Oddly, from within the boundaries of Biblical Law, we can see clearly what happens to those outside. We can see what God is doing, and can advise them, but it’s not likely they would ever listen. So, for example, we can see that God is destroying the United States. His wrath is falling on the nation’s sin. There is no saving it. There might have been a point at which things could have been preserved for a while longer, but that was more than a century ago. The worldly people missed their chance for a long and stable empire.

They also missed several other chances for limited stability and prosperity since then. Indeed, the vast majority of Americans are slated for serious suffering. They’ve been loaded up with false expectations. People within Biblical Law will suffer far less, largely because they never expected much in the first place. They knew this was coming, formed more accurate expectations, and made plans to meet this disaster.

At this point, no human effort can save America, regardless of what you imagine “America” means. You cannot bring justice by human means. It would serve no purpose whatsoever to destroy the evil plans and kill the people promoting them. It won’t even make you feel any better. At this point, there are so many people invested in the damnation of America that you could not get your hands on enough ammunition to shoot them all. Indeed, you’d have to shoot yourself, because a significant portion of what you do every day contributes to the destruction of America, and you don’t even know it. Do you still watch TV, buy music or videos, shop on Amazon or eBay, and patronize any commercial technology platforms, or use a bank? All of that contributes to the destruction of America.

Let it go.

I know you won’t listen to that warning, unless you are focused on the Covenant and the priorities of Biblical Law. You cannot stop the evil of the world; it was never in human hands to do so. The world is Satan’s empire. Those who follow Christ have no interest in anything here except the testimony of God’s glory. We are longing to leave this world when He is ready to call us Home.

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2 Responses to Covering Differences

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    “God discriminates; He plays favorites.”

    This is probably a big stumbling block for religious folks. The ones who recognize this actively are skeptics and non-believers, in my experience.

  2. Pingback: Regulations vs. Reality | Σ Frame

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