Cynical Politics

If we were going to discuss the political situation, I believe the best approach is looking at who or what is least harmful.

To imagine that anyone in American politics is actually “good” is beyond the pale. Nothing good can possibly come from the political process and the people currently involved. What we have now is so far removed from the biblical standard that it is utterly hopeless. The best we can do is pray that God will be merciful to His own household as the whole system is being torn down.

Lord, spare us as You destroy the evil empires; pass over us. Help us to bless Your name by upholding Your ways in the midst of turmoil, even as we seek to pull farther out of the path of destruction.

The common assumption of most commentators on every side is that we need a hero to rescue us. Most political commentary attempts to raise up one or another figure as the next hero we all need. Sorry, but I don’t see any. All of them come with a big package of stink. The only question is which brand of stink is less odious. Yes, the lesser of evils is still evil, but somebody is going to rule, and we pray that the Lord limits the damage to things He has prepared us to handle.

We often encounter underlying principles that stood in the Old Testament, but were not directly stated because everyone involved took it for granted. Instead, we discern them from the pattern of how God did things. One of those principles is that ambition for power disqualifies you from holding that power. If you really want it, you are already on God’s hit list. The best rulers in history were those who had other plans, but graciously accepted the role God assigned them.

Our political system turns that on its head.

I can understand the ambition to fix things and reduce the broader human suffering. Still, the answer is not to run for office, but to destroy the system that the oppressors are using as a weapon against us. You don’t rescue the people by putting “better” office holders in the role of oppressors. The office itself is the problem. The system is designed to attract the worst psychopaths. It rewards them for abusing their position.

I realize how hard it is to ignore the whole thing. It’s being thrust upon us every day by those around us who don’t understand our position. You have to decide how you are going to answer their concerns in a way that glorifies our Lord.

Most of the policy debates center on ways to plunder the people without admitting that’s the goal. Shall we plunder them through faux “green” policies? How about wokism and social scoring? Or maybe we should use the corporations to promote policies that will do that work for us? The Fed’s sole purpose in life is to tilt the economy against working people and in favor of the .01% who rule through financial games.

But if there is one policy that is most satanic, it is Zionism. It would be a true miracle of God if we could just end American funding of Israel (and the same for other countries). We are Israel’s proxy for bullying the rest of the world, turning our officials into the worst oppressors. Almost nobody is proposing stepping back from it, so it’s a lost cause.

God’s wrath on America is richly justified. The only question is whose agenda is least likely to interfere with our faith. Second to that is: Who is the biggest threat to our lives? The current drift of government policy is to exterminate the majority of the America citizens and replace us with immigrants who can be more easily exploited. This is actually a part of the Zionist agenda, though it’s not that obvious to most people.

The preferred mechanism is to keep using pandemics to herd us into the kill zone. This is a form of warfare targeting everyone, not just believers. For me, it’s coming down to hoping for any candidate who discusses curtailing that abusive weapon, regardless of other policy agendas. There’s no doubt they’ll promote a bunch of other objectionable crap, but given my cynical expectations about government in general, it’s the quarantines, lock-downs and forced vaxxing that becomes the single biggest issue of all. This is an immediate death threat.

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One Response to Cynical Politics

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    No such hope for us in PA. Our senator has mental issues and most everyone locally is a Dem that tows the party line. Not that it would be much better if were mostly Republican towing the party line.

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