Ready to Meet the Lord

It’s quite possible I’m just an idiot or madman, but if people keep discussing with me certain topics, they’re going to get what I believe is the answer to their questions.

Start with the fundamental truth: Satan is the god of this world. There might be some details with that, but we must embrace the basic truth of this. The political events of this world are under his control, and God Himself made it that way. Never mind why; this the reality we have to face. Speculation about Satan’s motives in tempting Adam and Eve may not be that helpful. All we can be sure of is that he did something that displeased God and has been demoted to a lower position, and that position is God’s prosecutor and jailer. Satan is constrained; he is not in rebellion in the sense of doing whatever he wants.

Next, we must confront the basic pattern of how Satan executes his mission from God. His fundamental purpose is to deceive. The one thing he wants most is to keep God’s Elect from claiming their divine heritage on this earth. The Fall has happened already; we are now stuck in these mortal bodies and are no longer God’s managers of the earth. We agreed with Satan’s claims about what God was doing in Eden and now we have to work our way back to what we lost. God has revealed how to do that (faith = feudal submission to Him), and Satan keeps trying to deceive us about how it works.

God chose Israel as His own possession among the nations of the earth. He chose them as the means to reveal His message to fallen mankind. Satan already had substantial control over all the other nations, so it was a special incentive that drove him to target Israel. He eventually succeeded in driving them so far off course that they couldn’t find their way back. They no longer knew the God who called them, and didn’t recognize His Son, who came according to all the promises they had heard.

Satan burned some bridges in seducing Israel, and is now trapped. The Messiah paid the awful price for sin and the whole world is now eligible for a spiritual kingdom, a “national identity” and covenant that isn’t fleshly, and so, is not under Satan’s dominion. He’s not happy about that. Instead of shutting down revelation and faith, it suddenly spread throughout his domain. Shutting down faith in one nation was within reach; shutting down faith that has no worldly anchor is far, far more difficult.

The only advantage Satan has is that he now holds what is left of Israel as his own special people. They had gained some serious advantages under God’s dominion, and still have a lot of those advantages under Satan’s dominion. They have a drive to take over the world like no other nation on earth. Satan has empowered them to do so.

But their methods are different from that of most human nations. For them, it’s almost like a game, with lots of strange rules and tactics that essentially seduce humanity into voluntarily enslaving themselves to what’s left of Israel. They don’t want to give away their advantages, so the game is to seduce their toughest enemies into destroying themselves.

A core of evil grew from the center of Israeli leadership (more or less the Pharisees). They use their fellow Jews cynically, misleading them, too. From a broad movement in control, an evil core arose. This core of evil leadership (The Cult) is deceiving everybody, but are themselves deceived about what Satan can actually deliver from his promises when he seduced them in the first place. This core evil group uses the Jewish ethnic nation as their cover, in their overall plan to take over the world.

Historically, their toughest enemy has turned out to be white people. It is generally Northern Europeans, but the Germanic folks in particular. Worst of all were the Anglo-Saxons. Not just their genes, but the influence of their culture. This culture was not godly in any way, just tactically challenging to Jews. Indeed, there is no moral difference between the Germanic Tribes and the Jews, but the Jews had Satan himself as their master. The tribal deities of the white folks were lesser powers. In Jewish efforts to seduce these folk, they discovered that this one culture was most resistant, and caused them no end of trouble, so they have become obsessed with destroying it.

And the best way to destroy it has been to deceive those vulnerable to their deceptions, in whatever way they are vulnerable, so that they will choose actions that would lead to their own destruction. The left-right divide was a major triumph in destroying the tribal unity of the white people who had stymied The Cult in the past. You see, that’s one of the keys to Jewish power: their feudal-tribal cohesion. It’s also the single greatest defense against their agenda, so they teach everyone else not to be feudal-tribal, even while they reinforce it among their own.

So, Satan tricks The Cult into serving his agenda. He leads the The Cult to trick Jews into serving The Cult’s agenda. Jews in turn trick whites and everyone else into serving their ethnic agenda. All of the crafty and sneaky plots by the neocons and globalists actually serve this higher agenda of destroying the civilization whites built.

If you can swallow that, then you’ll understand why I say that neocons used Trump to scare the globalists and make them work harder. Trump is by no means a good guy, but getting people to embrace him as a figurehead is simply a handy deception to keep the division going. Those on the right who don’t buy into the Trump cult are deceived in other ways, offering them a plausible enemy in the globalists, or even Jews, so they don’t focus on the real agenda.

Those few who sense that Jews are a serious problem are manipulated into becoming buffoons. Nobody takes their message seriously unless they become buffoons, as well. Meanwhile, all of their organizing efforts (seeking that tribal advantage) are tightly controlled by Jews and their lackeys. Yeah, Jews are running the current Nazi organizations.

Meanwhile, a global war between the West and Russia and/or China is also a proximate goal. For globalists, they believe it’s a conquest they must have. They don’t know they can’t possibly win, but the folks steering them aren’t concerned with winning or losing such a war. The sheer level of destruction is what they want, because it puts them in a position to seize control of whatever is left. And it is Satan deceiving them that they can actually seize control of the world, as if it’s worth having.

It’s not worth having; God gave it to Satan. It’s slated for destruction. I tend to doubt this is the final end of all things, because I don’t see what I believe are the earmarks the Bible warns will identify the Great Tribulation. I’m pretty sure this is just another reset, rather like the Flood of Noah. However, this won’t be a walk in the park. Even without weapons of mass destruction, a global war today is beyond comprehension.

And if a global war doesn’t do it, the coming natural catastrophes will take care of it. Within the next 20 years (roughly), the Earth’s magnetic poles will swap to new locations and there’s no way to predict all the cataclysms that come with that. All we can tell for now is that they are converging, apparently headed to a meeting point in the Andaman Sea. What happens after that, we aren’t sure, but it will be destructive. That will mean the Earth’s magnetic shield will be pretty much down, and even the normal solar activity is threatening. And the slightest burp from the Sun will be even more destructive.

Don’t get trapped in the deception as to what’s happening. Satan has been allowed to lead fallen humanity to this crisis point, and there’s nothing we can do to slow this train wreck. Even if we did, the cyclical changes in the Earth will finish it off. Civilization is doomed, and it would appear a majority of the human race will die. The best we can possibly do is spread our faith so they are ready to meet the Lord.

The outline of this is a basic Radix Fidem teaching. Some of the details are my own thoughts.

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2 Responses to Ready to Meet the Lord

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    This is a pretty good roundup of things.

  2. Linda says:

    Yes, I would definitely say you about covered it. The only thing and I mean the ONLY thing that truly matters and that is the ONLY truth is: God loved us so much He gave Jesus who willingly died for ALL of us (yes, every one of us) so that whoever believes in Him (and all that comes with that and how and why – the Bible tells you what all that is) will NOT perish but will have everlasting life. Spread the Word – the world needs it.

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