The New Civil War

Let’s consider the context again. Those who obey Biblical Law cannot consider themselves Americans. By secular law, we might be citizens of the US, but we are simply on loan from God. We belong to Him; the bulk of Americans do not. That includes church folks who don’t pay attention to the requirements of the Covenant.

They are in deep doo-doo. I quite agree with Victor Davis Hanson’s assessment of the situation for Americans. As long as they keep playing by the rules others give them, they are going to suffer an apocalypse. It’s already under way. The only hope they have is to rise up in armed revolt. They must stop playing by the rules that really don’t belong to them.

We could talk about that at length. Various codes of honor associated with American history are all bogus nonsense arising from a pagan past. They are not biblical. The Hebrew Scriptures paint a totally different concept of honor regarding what is allowed in political and military conflicts. The Bible sees nothing wrong with assassinations, for example. It’s just a way to get things done. You might imagine the Bible encourages sticking with the political leadership, but you would be missing the point. Our leaders are not anointed by God; they are permitted by God because this is not a covenant nation. Americans would be fully justified in starting a bloody internal conflict, because they are not under the protection and restrictions of the Covenant. If they were, they wouldn’t think of themselves as Americans, and they wouldn’t worry about what happens to this country. If they are worried about it, then they are under the law codes of the Bible, and not under grace with its eternal viewpoint.

You can bet that an armed revolt will not happen. At least, it won’t happen on a scale sufficient to do any good. Instead, the country will be torn to shreds as states secede — if the Americans are lucky. Should the states remain attached and subject to the ruling elite in Washington DC, it will be hell for everyone. The smart money is on promoting decentralization.

We are not concerned about smart money. You and I are called to remain aloof. It’s not that we are wholly uninvolved, but that a civil war is not our concern, because the fate of America is not our concern. It’s just the setting in which we operate for the Father’s glory. He is in control, and there’s an awful lot He will not tell us, because how we react to the surprises is a critical part of our witness to His glory. The best we can do is guess.

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One Response to The New Civil War

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    “You can bet that an armed revolt will not happen. At least, it won’t happen on a scale sufficient to do any good.”

    If only!

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