No Surprise

Unless you are there in Gaza to look directly at the evidence, you cannot analyze what happened to that hospital that locals often called “Baptist Hospital”. Most certainly, you cannot take the word of any Israeli or Palestinian agency. That’s because they both lie so much that you cannot take their word for anything at all. The bombing of the hospital is typical of both sides; they would both do it intentionally and then lie about it.

Hamas is quite different from the average Palestinian. Elitist and corrupt, they could not care less what happens to their captive constituency. The same goes for the Ashkenazi Jews in Israel, lording it over the Mizrahi. You should look those terms if you aren’t familiar with them, two branches of Zionism. The Ashkenazi are leftist and worldly, and the Mizrahi range between center and right. There are no Mizrahi in government, except for a tiny few scattered here and there. Netanyahu is Ashkenazi, but he caters to the Mizrahi so he can get away with his corruption.

The Ashkenazi believe they should rule the world, and have infiltrated governments everywhere. In America, they have infiltrated Academia, Entertainment, Media, and wherever they found an opening that didn’t involve actually working. The Ashkenazi despise us Gentiles, but don’t want us to know it. The Mizrahi don’t care if we know it, but are primarily interested in ruling their ancient historical lands. The latter form the bulk of orthodox Judaism. Today, the Ashkenazi have replaced the Sadducees, and the Pharisees are now Mizrahi.

But of all Gentiles, both Zionist groups hate Arabs most of all, and Palestinians in particular. And Palestinians return the favor. Both would not hesitate to utterly destroy the other. The only way to stop the hatred is for one group to disappear. Then, whichever is left will turn their hatred on the rest of the world.

The problem is that if we were to completely remove one or both, the Devil and his friends would simply generate a new batch from somewhere else. This is particularly true of Jews; the Synagogue of Satan will remain standing until Christ returns. The Lord Himself allows Satan to keep his own nation until Judgment Day.

Anything that involves these two just naturally includes the most heartbreaking atrocities. Get used to it. Expect worse. We have no business getting involved. Nothing we could do would make any difference.

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One Response to No Surprise

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    As with many things in life, trying to “help” will only make things worse.

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