The Harvest Has Come

I believe it’s time to restate some things people so easily forget.

Biblical Law stands on the character of the Lawgiver. His Law is an expression of Himself. In truth, Jesus Christ is the Living Law of God. The words in the Bible are merely a contextual reflection of who Jesus is. There is no such thing as “propositional truth”. The concept of “truth” is Jesus the person, and He is a Person with all the same personality and dynamics as a human, but without the flaws. The Bible defines “perfection” not as stasis or immutability, but in terms of maturity and predictability of response.

The most important point is that you not see Him in stasis, but living and approachable. It’s not that you are permitted approach Him, but that you are commanded to do so — on His terms. And you cannot approach Him without feudal submission. The words “He is Lord” should indicate to you that you must come as His vassal. Otherwise, you have not come to Him at all. Face down, mortal.

If humans come up with laws and governments without His permit, then they are not valid. It’s not a question of the particular government, but the established requirements of Biblical Law. By definition, democratic governments are invalid. By Biblical Law, the starting point is that no government has any business poking around in your personal life unless that government is related to you by blood or covenant. Any other government is damned.

We don’t regard them with contempt, but with pity. They are fighting God.

Yes, Romans 13 says we should avoid provoking even damned governments. But if you keep reading in that same chapter past the first few verses, Paul says that your sacrificial compassion for others is the whole of your obligation. The image is giving human governments the worldly things they demand, but ignoring any demand that encroaches on God’s turf. You’ll say inside yourself: “Fine, is this what you really want? Take it; my Lord shall provide all my needs.” You play along with the situation until it crosses certain boundaries; your first loyalty on earth is God and His invisible spiritual Kingdom, your covenant brothers and sisters.

Once any human government crosses that invisible boundary, it becomes a matter of conviction how you respond. The broad teaching of Scripture is to avoid confrontation, unless there is a specific prophetic message you must deliver. The default is to play along, as that’s our testimony of divine patience with fools. I hope you understand that God’s patience is longer than the typical human lifespan. However, there are moments when He might provoke your spirit to address folly as folly for His glory.

The point: The US government has never for one moment met God’s approval. It is by no means a covenant government. This is not a covenant nation. You should never expect any government policy or action to meet with God’s approval, except wholly by random accident. The US government is under the dominion of Satan and his ilk. It is inherently evil, so don’t be surprised when our government does stupid things. All the citizens who swear allegiance to this government have forfeited their lives to the recompense of that folly.

American society has never been Christian by any biblical definition. People who suggest that Christianity had any strong influence in US history, those people have no clue about what “following Christ” means. It’s not enough to be sentimentally attached to Christ; you must obey His Living Word. It’s not enough to implement by human logic the words in any English translation of the Bible. You must understand it from the Hebrew mystical angle in which it was written. American Christianity clearly does not understand His Word, much less obey it.

In the Bible, there is a reference to “in that day” — it refers to a Day of Wrath. God is coming for an inspection visit, much like the day He came to inspect Sodom and Gomorrah. The context is different, but the moral reality is the same. At no point during the coming months should you rejoice at anything our government, nor any single government official, says or does. They are uniformly under the same judgment of wrath, and only a very public repentance can represent a blessing of any kind. I don’t see that happening.

I shouldn’t have to explain that the modern State of Israel is a satanic abomination to God. It’s sole purpose is to confuse and deceive, to lead the nations to destruction. An awful lot of God’s Elect have been deceived, quite successfully. This is a time of apocalypse. It will be rather slow up until the moment it all breaks apart. Because the resources and people involved are massive beyond comprehension, it will take a little time to hit the ground.

It is quite likely that some parts of this country will not suffer nearly as much as others. Where you live may not see much of the effects because it doesn’t depend too much on the viability of the system. Count that as a blessing of divine favor. But it’s hard to imagine that life will simply go on as before. This is not like those times in the past when some small part of the system broke. This time, the whole thing is going to break. If not the humans, then the demonic beings in charge of human governments have decreed destruction for this system. The harvest has come; the fruits of rejecting Biblical Law are ripe.

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One Response to The Harvest Has Come

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    “By definition, democratic governments are invalid.” Yes sir. That’s a big hurdle for westerners to get over. I notice it in our fiction, endlessly: governments are made “better” by democratizing them. It’s built into our mythology. I have come across a few ANE/Middle East styled governments treated fairly and not barbaric or vengeful, but that’s rare for western writers to do.

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