Tools in the Box 01

I had written something else entirely, but decided it wasn’t the message for today.

I’ve noted this before: The federal government has officially listed me as a cult leader and terrorist. The only reason they have not taken me into custody is because of mere procedural road blocks. The system as it currently runs will not allow them to act on their assumptions about me. Given enough time, the officials will remove those hindrances and arrest a whole bunch of people like me. This is not boasting; I’m not a martyr. They don’t care a whit about my religion, only that I am not a cheer leader of the federal government.

What I’m sharing is the factual truth as accurately as I can remember. About 25 years ago, I made friends with a fellow who worked as a pharmacist. We talked Bible. It so happened I met some of his family; he had one brother who worked under him at another location. That brother got caught in a sting operation, selling an illegal amount of certain drugs to someone. The brother went into a depression and fled. (Details here.)

It just so happened I moved to another state at about the same time, to a rural location that is still a hotbed of anti-government militia folks. I wasn’t part of that culture, and most of the folks living there were in agriculture. Somehow, the feds got the crazy idea I was involved in hiding this fugitive from justice. They came out and nosed around the town close to where I lived. Because they lied to people about me, I got kicked out of a church. Only later did they find out I was on their side — an active participant in the “War on Drugs” — but that didn’t matter. They kept telling those lies trying to find a reason to arrest me.

The federal government threw me under the bus on a whim. Had that fool shown up where I was, seeking my help in hiding from justice, I would have handcuffed him to a tree and called the US Marshals. I’m still not on his side, but I am less likely to take any action now, because there would be no justice in any case.

Eventually, the evidence showed that this fugitive had gone to the West Coast, far away from where I was. The timing was just a coincidence. But they still clung to the lies about me and kept telling them as their official truth — I was a cult leader adept at hiding fugitives. Years later they spoke to another potential witness in the case, still saying the same thing about me.

Well, obviously I’m not on their side any more. Furthermore, I dared to publish the truth about how federal bureaucracies work, and telling the truth about their lies. They have haunted me through several blogs, and were harassing me on this blog until about a year ago, when I called them on it. You know they are still reading it, of course. That’s how federal bureaucracy works. When some incompetent boob comes up with a decision about someone, the whole institution never changes its mind.

No, this is not paranoia. I learned to act the same way they do back when I served in law enforcement. There are millions like me whose lives are at risk of being destroyed because of bureaucratic intransigence covering up incompetence. I’m not the one keeping a grudge. All I’m doing is being a little guarded here and there. I’m watching for signs of things I would do had I been assigned such a case, so that I can assess the likelihood of being harassed or arrested. That’s only so I can be sure my readers aren’t left mystified about why I disappeared from the Net.

Try to understand the difference: I might be willing to fight a mandatory vaxx program, but I’m currently not willing to fight arrest for this false case. It’s a matter of my personal convictions about what new doors for ministry would be opened, and how I am equipped to serve. One is war; the other is just an adventure.

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One Response to Tools in the Box 01

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    You could think of it as charity. These nosy feds need to stay in business somehow, so making up threats where there are none is a good way of doing that. You’re so generous!

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