By Deception, By Design

Israel’s government claims they are at war on seven fronts. If you check with Unz Review, you’ll learn that Algeria may join in the fray. What the Houthis are doing in the strait at the southern end of the Red Sea, Algeria could easily do at the Strait of Gibraltar. Please note that the Houthis are not fools; they have been very savvy in targeting ships that serve Israel, or are owned by Israelis. Nobody else is threatened. The Houthi source of intel on this is quite good, and I’m sure Algeria could easily tap into the same source.

I’ve said it before: Israel is not the thing itself. Israel was created as a distraction, a way of pulling in the focus of humanity on a lie. The whole purpose of Israel is not as advertised. Zionism is a serious threat, but it’s not the real agenda of the very most powerful people on this planet. They sponsored the creation of the modern State of Israel for other reasons.

Thus, it was predictable that any time Israel gets into a fight, it is supposed to explode into something far bigger. It seizes attention from all other conflicts; the other problems of humanity are simply not important enough to compete with Israel’s problems. If Israel is uncomfortable, the whole world must suffer with her. It should also be predictable that Israel is expendable. Not cheap, mind you, but expendable. These ultimate human rulers will not hesitate to create another holocaust every now and then to keep their tribe in the center of human attention. The Jewish peasants matter only slightly more than Gentiles.

Don’t be surprised if this war spreads to the whole world, and Israel provokes enough enemies to be destroyed. This “Israel” is not what the Bible talks about as a significant figure in the End Times, though our ultimate rulers want you to believe it is. Don’t be caught up in the hysteria. Keep your eyes on your mission and consider this war as just more background noise.

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2 Responses to By Deception, By Design

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    Algeria is hardly ever in the international news. I’m kind of surprised.

  2. Linda says:

    My little comment to that, Jay, is nothing gets into the mainstream national or global news except when and where it is part of the “plan”.

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