Is It Time?

In one sense, the answer must be yours. You must own it. Otherwise, there is nothing to discuss.

I’ve been praying about it for at least two decades: When do we start seeking to form actual covenant communities? We already have our Kiln of the Soul as an online church. When does the Radix Fidem path begin to produce offline bodies?

I believe this is the year.

It’s not that I’ve backed off my prophetic guidance on what to expect. We shall see a church exodus, though it may not show up in any new sources as such. Christian Zionism is already taking a major hit, and events this year will accelerate that trend. This is also unlikely to show up in the news. You’ll sense these things in your heart first.

Do you think a new kind of faith assembly is a pipe dream? You can refer to it as Radix Fidem if you like, but nobody is going to look over your shoulder except God. I’ll point you to His guidance; call your group anything you like. What I’m trying to point out here is that there’s more at work here than just some social and political upheaval. Those things are merely the vehicle, not the destination.

Where is it taking you? It ranges all over the map. Some of you need to think in terms of salvaging existing faith communities. That must necessarily mean making adjustments in how you characterize covenant faith, speaking to the people where they are. Again, there is no orthodoxy of Radix Fidem; it’s just an approach to doing religion. At any rate, I rather expect there will be more of this salvaging than starting from scratch.

Keep your eye on the community, not the institution or the facility that defines it. Be open to opportunities to join and touch communities that already exist. And while there is certainly no intention here of dividing existing ministries, you should expect it to happen. Again, this is a time of exodus. People are going to feel called to something different, something that doesn’t already exist in their world. They’ll be hungry and thirsty for a path that doesn’t keep leading to old failures.

Radix Fidem is one better path. What we have here could not possibly be the answer for everyone. We have been building this over the years when it was too radical for most. Soon, it may be too tame for some. I was driven to build something for a context I didn’t see or expect. I’ve stumbled upon others with the same sense of mission, to prepare for things God would do some day.

I believe that day has come. It’s not for everyone, but it’s for this time. You won’t get any prodding from me; it will come from the Lord. If He hasn’t already stirred you to begin praying for a community where you live, then just ignore my blather. But if something in this post sounds like the music already in your head, then let’s begin praying for more concrete guidance for each of us.

I’m praying for it in my area. I have certain expectations that might not work for you. Mine are shaped by my experience in this part of the world. I’m expecting to hear from a group of people who will split off from an existing institution, seeking something that gives them room to exercise faith without distractions fed to them by a leadership far more interested in the institution than actually following Christ.

It is time? You tell me. Better yet, discuss it with the Lord.

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