Exigencies of Infowar

I’m going to interrupt the Kiln of the Soul series today. Later I’ll post the weekly Bible lesson, but this post is a short list of related things I ask you to consider.

1. What passes for AI is not really Artificial Intelligence. It’s just a very fancy text filter, and isn’t even good at math. It has no comprehension of numbers when it sees them, and can be expected to lie about anything statistical, in the sense that it simply cannot tell the difference between what is real and what is imaginary. It knows only what it is told, and the bulk of what is out there on the Net is nonsense. The most AI can do correctly is approximate the writing style of certain individuals, or the net average of what passes for educated writing. It does not “know” anything; it has no concept of seeking to verify.

Thus, current AI could possibly echo my writing style and recognize it should someone else plagiarize my work. But it cannot factor conviction. If something was written mimicking my style, but with a different content, AI would not likely recognize the difference. My readers would pick up on it right away, but AI cannot even comprehend the notion of convictions. It can only recognize the terminology and how it is used grammatically.

I confess there are times I’m not sure what I would say about certain current events. Aside from broad themes of the otherworldly outlook and faith in the divine, AI could not predict where I would come down on some issues, yet I’m sure my readers could make a good guess. It’s because we are connected to each other via the Spirit Realm, and the moral realm of the heart. AI cannot connect to that.

2. The biggest issues we face in this time of tribulation are not the political instability, economic collapse, or even natural disasters. Our biggest problem is the blocking of the gospel. The gospel message is the only reason we live. Failing the outright censorship, our Enemy would gladly settle for dilution and perversion of the gospel, and finally the distraction from the gospel. This is the nature of information warfare. This is why I keep pointing to the problem of infowar. We are at war, but the real threat is derailing the gospel message, not loss of life and/or property. We are not silenced by politics, economic losses nor any other form of social instability. We are threatened by the silencing or perverting of our message.

In terms of things like computer security or information security, censorship is one thing while diluting or twisting the message is another. If I find myself fighting censorship, that’s a matter of access to the medium for both you and me. Fighting perversion of the message would most likely be someone picking over the message to counter it (government sock-puppets pretending to offer comments, for example). Worst of all, it would be someone pretending to be me and promoting a false message.

I’ve faced everything but that last one. I’d rather someone outright steal my work and claim it as their own, than to have my name attached to something false. The lackeys of Satan aren’t that smart, most of the time. If they decided that polluting our message was the way to go, they would try to use AI and not recognize why it failed.

3. Not every weirdo that has attacked the message on my blogs was sent by a human government. The Devil has lackeys everywhere. For me, the primary difference between a government agent and some individual flake is that the former will use certain IP addresses. The secondary clue is the range of things they will talk about. Government sock-puppets seldom grasp the whole issue of faith; they typically try to provoke some kind of political activism.

I can sensor the sock-puppets through comment moderation. The individuals who attack for other reasons might warrant an answer of some kind.

To the degree I might offer any kind of political, economic or social analysis, the government pays attention. Had the feds done a better job of forcing the states to toe the line on COVID, any comment I made about resisting the vaxx would have gotten me shut down. The whole COVID narrative has collapsed. While there are forces in the US and Europe who would love to use another pandemic against us, that previous failure has raised the price too high, I believe. So the pandemic advocates are kept around as a distraction, while the real threat is cooking up somewhere else.

4. Even that other threat is mostly a distraction from the gospel mission. I agree that Americans at large are under a serious threat of oppression, but that’s not news. The Scripture alone has provided enough clues for us to naturally expect America to be in deep trouble for her unique American sins. And our hearts loudly tell us that this is a time of God’s wrath. The real issue is the gospel message portrayed against the background of God’s wrath. The message of Christ is a lot louder and clearer when tribulation plays out behind it.

Our primary investment of care, attention and resources should be on the gospel message. What does it require to keep that message rolling forward?

My flesh loves playing with computer technology, but my heart knows to let it all go when it is no longer useful for promoting the gospel message. Right now, that’s my best tool for the message. The day will come when that ends. That’s part of why I believe now is the time to begin building communities of faith in meat-space. I’m actually hoping to wean my readers off of my writing, because, sometime in the near future, you won’t be able to get it. You need to absorb the message behind my writing, and become a source on your own.

This is information warfare.

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