This Is Greatness

Humans have an extremely difficult time imagining their own insignificance.

Here’s the logic: The moment you start to imagine that you and your actions can make any difference in the human condition is the moment you fail. The only thing Eternity will remember when it’s all over with is how you contributed to God’s glory or didn’t.

If you are silly enough to think that planting yourself in human memory is worth the trouble, realize that the unseen powers of the Spirit Realm will guarantee you cannot do so by being good. The only way you can make your mark among humans is by choosing evil. Granted, a great many humans may decide that what you did was somehow “good” in their estimate, but humans at large really have no clue. Human greatness, as humans at large understand it, is a waste of time.

The only righteous path is to seek out your own convictions and follow where they lead. It may start off pretty ugly, because it takes time to read them clearly. Worse, convictions tend to be a moving target. Still, this is the only path for human ambition that won’t end in evil. Your convictions are the Word of God for you individually, already written into your soul. Whatever is there contains your destiny, in terms of whatever it is God promotes, that for which He intends to use you. You cannot possibly do any better.

Following your convictions will naturally meet resistance from the Devil and most of the Elohim Council. Fallen human nature resists it already, and the elohim who fancy themselves as deities will use their powers to hinder you. (Something made my computer hardware act up while I was writing this.) However, God says He will support you.

You need to understand: The issue is not human success. The issue is your commitment, your pursuit, not your ability to carry through. The very notion of getting you stuck on performance is a lie from Hell. You need not ever succeed in any way except to keep trying. Divine glory is manifested in your attitude of commitment. That’s all it takes to win.

That’s all it takes to represent Jehovah’s agenda in Creation. That’s what it takes to win His case against Satan and the elohim rebellion. That’s what it takes to transcend the Fall and seize your inheritance as a child of God.

This is the path to “human greatness” as God defines it.

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