The Politics of Dead Souls

The globalists have one major blind spot. They assume that breaking down the large government systems in the West will allow them to replace those systems with something else, while keeping the large countries intact. And then, they expect to further unite all the people into a single, global unity under their elite control. They want a new “West” with an alternative definition.

That’s not how it works. Each of these large government systems was welded together from smaller units, and the unity across these smaller nations is rather shallow and fragile. Despite any rhetoric about “we are all in this together”, people with a will to act remain committed to a much smaller national identity. Decentralization is hard-wired in human nature, starting with the Tower of Babel. The unifiers are not as vigorous and determined as the decentralizers.

So, if the globalists break down the system that holds these small nations together in large unions, then the nations will reassert their identity and refuse to unify again when the proposal is tilted against them, as globalism is. Destroying large unions of states will guarantee they scatter. People are inherently tribal. It is utterly impossible for large mixed populations to forget who they are. Their loyalty to the union is very thin, concealing a readiness to split at any moment. Every day, the real politics of what people do always reflects their sense of what tribe they belong to.

And the globalists are silly enough to exacerbate those tribal tensions in order to break down the system they plan to replace. They honestly believe that human identity can be atomized so as to make every individual socially isolated. It may appear to be our current reality, but it’s a thin false veneer. The moment things get tough, they will form tribes to survive.

The globalists are being used by the neocons. The neocons want fractures and chaos because they hate the West in the first place. Why the globalists cannot see this is a mystery to me, but they are blinded by their ideology. It’s as if they believe they have some magic in their hands that will allow them to marshal force against the chaos, when the force itself is organic to the chaotic mix of peoples they seek to rule.

There are no globalist troops to suppress a rebellion.

Granted, I know the globalists seem so certain they can simply persuade everyone to buy into their wild dreams. They can’t seem to realize that there is substantial resistance to their ideals from the people themselves. They have been infected by the communist mantra that people are infinitely malleable. They honestly believe that, if they can just seize all sources of public information sharing, everyone can be fooled. They have infinite faith in hypnotism, when any good hypnotist will tell you that a significant portion of any population cannot be hypnotized, and these same people are natural leaders.

At any rate, the globalist failure to make the vaxx unanimous should have been warning enough their plans are hopeless. But they will continue trying to tweak their system to make it work.

Now, I’m not suggesting that the resistors are somehow great or even good people. They are simply humans doing what humans naturally do, guided by the various false gods they serve. The allies of Satan on the Elohim Council have no intention of letting either the globalists or the neocons win. The elohim opposition wants us humans to destroy ourselves. Indeed, the elohim don’t have the power to simply turn off elements of human nature; they can only steer humans by their natural fallen fleshly inclinations. The elohim experiment in tweaked humans (the Nephilim) was crushed by God. Instead, they use the disembodied spirits of Nephilim to seize normal humans — we call it “demon possession”. That’s going to become far more prevalent in the near future.

Meanwhile, nothing — absolutely nothing — humans cook up on their own can stand against God’s will. The story being told by human activity in our fallen condition is God’s story in the end. Our existence in this world is in itself a fiction, a simulation God is running to prove a point. While our eternal destiny is locked in as individuals, Elect or Damned, the lives we live here allow us to choose only whether we consciously participate in God’s case or prove it by our failures to account for His revelation.

He grants a clarity of moral vision to humans who submit feudally to Him as the One to whom all glory is due. That’s what it means to embrace the Covenant of Christ. Jesus is our living Testament of the Covenant, the Living Law of God for us humans. We are allowed to see what the globalists and neocons cannot see. They are incapable of understanding it because their souls are dead.

Yes, I know that what I suggest here sounds like the ravings of a madman. I am very far outside the mainstream. I’m not trying to persuade anyone who isn’t ready to hear this. I’m trying to encourage those who already know the truth: We are on the Lord’s side. He will take care of His own, but on His terms. Our duty is to embrace His terms and the mission of His glory.

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2 Responses to The Politics of Dead Souls

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    Always trying to find a way back to Eden other than what was already offered.

    As a side note, for some reason the “like” button is having trouble loading for me. I get a perpetual “loading” message. Weird.

  2. Linda says:

    No, not ravings of a madman. I must admit all of the spiritual side of the conflict is a bit heavy for me – it’s a lot for me to take in and understand. But, the wordly/human side is obvious to me – the PTB and the globalists and whoever all it is that think they have it/us all figured out and under control – that’s an easy one for me to see; I have seen it for a good portion of my life.
    I am so grateful to know the LORD. It’s all I need.

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