Parish Fellowship

Yesterday, our online community met via Skype video. Four showed up. It was good to see each other that way, as close to meeting face-to-face as we are likely to do for a while, yet. Some of us had to work out some computer kinks, but we got it working and now we all know what to expect.

We’d like to make this a regular event. We’d like more of the community to join us. For the time being, we don’t publicize it outside of the forum. You can always join the forum anytime, and those who do will get the inside scoop. It doesn’t require you to install any software, just use a browser that can handle the protocols and click the link. It’s just an open and informal chat for now. There’s no particular reason for adding a bunch of rules unless it explodes to more than a dozen.

I’m also hoping to make this a regular means of contact for other purposes, as well. I want you to be able see me when we talk. It’s not a secret: my Skype address is . This is something that becomes more valuable as we slide deeper into tribulation. It will become most precious about the time it becomes impossible for whatever reason.

At any rate, if you are one of us — forced to exist on the fringes of the mainstream for whatever reason — we’re here for you.

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2 Responses to Parish Fellowship

  1. Linda says:

    I am grateful that I was blessed to participate! I felt so at home and part of a family albeit we are all hundreds of miles apart. I encourage anyone who might feel a pull to join us! We just talked – about all kinds of things. Like folks do, sitting around the living room. The most wonderful part of it was that we all love the Lord!

  2. Jay DiNitto says:

    Hard agree with Linda. It was a good time talking with all of you.

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