Evil Fighting Evil

According to the Word of God, the single biggest problem for life after the Fall is too much human organization and leadership. If you want to suggest that a simplified tribal existence in a dispersed and decentralized structure isn’t “working” as you think it should, the problem is you and your expectations. Whatever it is you may try to implement will only make things worse.

There is no better plan than the one God declared in His Word. And while He did mandate the necessity of human government, in the same breath He also demanded that it be very simple and low-keyed. The only person God ordained to execute judgment is someone in your family, all the way up to capital punishment. If your extended family cannot carry out an execution on its own criminals, then there is far too much human authority in foreign hands.

As noted in comments on yesterday’s post, God warned Israel not to seek a king as the focus of human authority under the Covenant of Moses. Despite all the warnings, they insisted. It didn’t go well; it was a key element in the slow destruction of Israel’s covenant existence.

That said, we should fully expect humanity today to get it all completely wrong. There will be a right-wing backlash, a civil war in the US that sees bloodshed. And it will be done for all the wrong reasons, and in the wrong way. It will be wholly unjust in God’s eyes, and the results will not be any kind of relief from human problems. All it will do is trade one flavor of evil for another.

By no means do I suggest that bloodshed is not called for; it is. There are people attacking others in all kinds of ways, and it should result in the aggressors’ death. There should be more self-defense and defense of family households from evil government. Indeed, there are no governments that can be called “good”, so a lot of bloodshed is in order.

Unfortunately, precious few people want to think about how God wants that done. There’s a lot of missing ingredients as we’ve discussed over the years. The just cause is not what’s inside someone’s head, but their willingness to force their ways on others. The US has never been one nation; it has always been a place where some ruling elite has forced everyone to comply with things that the people found evil. Our rulers today despise us, and they should die for their hateful actions.

But virtually no one has standing to execute God’s justice on them. The vast majority of people in this country have their own brand of evil plaguing them, calling for the same just wrath on themselves. The people with a divine calling to carry out that wrath are so few that they are statistically insignificant. Thus, it cannot be done properly in the current context.

We must prepare ourselves to see evil fighting evil and try to stay out of the way.

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One Response to Evil Fighting Evil

  1. forrealone says:

    “We must prepare ourselves to see evil fighting evil and try to stay out of the way.”

    Amen to that!

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