The Least Painful

If you have been following Catacomb Resident’s series on Pageau’s The Language of Creation, and if you understood yesterday’s post here, then what follows should not surprise you.

Trump is an urbanite; he was a lefty Democrat right up until he ran for President on the Republican ticket. He did that because the Democrats wouldn’t let him run on their ticket. My assessment is that Trump actually isn’t left or right, per se, but is a narcissist, and perhaps lands somewhere on the psychopath scale. He doesn’t really care about ideology; he cares about running the show. He’s very talented at it, but don’t forget that he pushed the vaxx, and still supports it.

He is perfectly willing to use the rural right-wing vote to get what he wants. He will play to their sympathies; he’s very good at it. His only genuine policy is tweaking things so he can remain in power and wealth. He’s quite willing to reward those who support his policies. Everyone who remains close to him and still faithful are riding his coattails to power and wealth. They are cut from the same cloth, or they are blinded and still very useful.

All of his domestic and foreign policy proposals are aimed at giving him a better market position, regardless whomever else it helps or hurts.

All of which means he is a whole lot better in the Oval Office than any Democrat, and still better than most Republicans. The globalists hate him because he is not really one of them. The neocons are probably willing to use him, but he’s dangerous to them for the same reason he is to the globalists — he’s not a team player. There is a very strong probability he could destroy the whole system, to include bringing down some European governments, and he will surely destroy NATO.

His insufferable self-worship makes him the perfect president for our times. That’s because it would be utterly impossible for a genuine good guy to ever get close to that office. The current context is so utterly screwed up that there is no hope. Having Trump ride this dying horse into its grave will be less painful than almost every realistic alternative, and a whole lot more entertaining.

O, the glorious chaos he will bring!

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