Christ Disowns It

I feel led to reopen a can of worms that has been unsealed for quite some time. This cannot be sufficiently addressed in a single post, simply because my answers are woven into my writing over many years. I’m hardly afraid to touch controversial topics and I start with a blanket condemnation of American culture in particular, and western thinking in general. The mainstream opinion is sewage in the first place.

But it is the mainstream, so we are obliged to deal with it as the path to biblical truth leads through it. This is infowar, and their info is lies. It’s our duty to point out the lies in whole and in detail, when possible. And one of the first things you might notice is that there are two mainstreams drawn from the same nasty basis. There’s the one that dominates the media and government, and another one that actually resonates with the population. Both are equally foolish, just in different ways.

Because the one that owns the press is total fantasy, the other side reacts in various ways to recover some semblance of reality. They still miss, but we need to understand it. It’s not a question of the various elements of the competing viewpoints, but that both are rooted in the same pagan background. And both are deeply and fundamentally committed to changing this fallen existence, as if God made some big mistake. They fight over the best way to save the world. I will not debate this: The Bible is all about escaping this world by embracing another world while we are here.

Jesus said we should take up our crosses and follow Him. You cannot skip that part about what happens when you arrive at Golgotha. This is a flat renunciation of human life itself. You cannot follow Him without committing yourself to a rejection of this world in the first place. I don’t know how people read that in Scripture and then proceed to work towards a political and cultural conquest of other people. The Kingdom of Heaven, whose head is Christ, is expressed in hearts, not human political arrangements.

Yes, the Kingdom of Hearts does manifest in changed human behavior. There’s no argument there among those who claim the Bible as their guide. But the issue is the focus, the motivation, and the expectations of what God will do. We change our behavior precisely to call attention to the Unseen Realm everyone else wants to ignore. For it is the Unseen Realm that is real, while this existence is a lie. And our mission is not simply to commit suicide and leave quickly, but to work our way through this life with a mission to destroy it. That work is mandatory, and your departure from this world is a promotion. What our flesh complains about in terms of sorrow is the mark of high privilege from Above.

There’s no virtue in sorrow itself, but virtue is defined as taking up Christ’s sorrows.

So the entire realm of Christian Nationalism is a fantasy of lies. Not for the reasons offered by the mainstream, because they are even more wicked. The concept of Christian Nationalism does at least get the necessity of changing our mental structures and our behavior. That’s a part of the battle against sin and evil. But it’s not enough by itself. If that commitment is rooted in staying here and making this world a better place, then it still belongs to Satan. The Devil will not be displaced or removed from authority over the fallen world. That is not God’s plan. Rather, this fallen mortal existence will run out of time and the Devil will then be condemned to eternity in the Lake of Fire.

This existence is the Devil’s turf, his private property. God delivered it into his hands for reasons, most of which escape our comprehension. But the imagery offered in Scripture includes the concept that it is his for as long as it exists. If you commit yourself to working for anything that belongs to this world, you remain under Satan’s authority. More to the point, all your ambitions will be among those Satan offers to keep us trapped here.

Christian Nationalism is not Christian. It is not following Christ; it is dodging the Cross. It is nationalism with a false Jesus face painted on the outside. It is still an obsession with building something that Satan will most certainly control. It is believing the lie that this world matters.

And because it is so, the proponents of Christian Nationalism will get everything wrong. Not entirely wrong, mind you, but sadly will promote a diabolical half-truth that leaves you trapped in the cares and anxieties of this world. It offers a false dichotomy. To reject the mainstream does not mean you are somehow part of Christian Nationalism, nor should you be.

Christ Himself disowns Christian Nationalism.

There’s more…

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