Another Vision of the Future

I did not foresee the American Redoubt coming. I’m not surprised that people fleeing the Blue States are heading to that region of the US. I expected Christian Nationalism as a political movement to show up there, but I didn’t expect such a strong religious movement to arise about the same time.

I had no doubts that the Gospel Coalition was a dead end. It smelled like worldly compromise a long time ago, and when the leadership began to embrace elements of wokism, it was no surprise to me. John Piper and his allies are now quite irrelevant. The center of gravity will move away from Bethel College. The Enemy was able to seduce that bunch because their model of evangelism is still rooted in Decision Theology. It makes them vulnerable to the necessity of gaining a positive impression with the mainstream audience. It won’t be so easy to subvert the folks in Moscow, Idaho; they aren’t interested in courting the mainstream.

God is going to use the American Redoubt. Let me suggest that, given all the factors involved, the American Redoubt portion of the US will quite likely survive better the coming global catastrophes. They will be insulated from the worst man-made political disasters, and the natural ones will be ameliorated by the geography and climate there. The US coastlands will be wiped out.

Make no mistake: I preach that civilization will be destroyed, and that the majority of the human race will die. Let’s not get bogged down in the details just now; it’s coming and God’s people can sense it on the horizon.

By force, our Creator will remove an awful lot of sin and temptation by crushing humanity down into a very weak position. Bare survival will be the all consuming concern. While the memory of global communications will still be around, God will enforce insulation and isolation on a scale that rivals the Tower of Babel and even the Flood.

This will be an act of mercy. This is how He designed us to exist in this world. We are supposed to be scattered and isolated. We are supposed to be tribal and feudal. This is the genuine “Big Reset” that humanity faces, not the silly artificial one planned by our rulers.

My fundamental mission and calling is to declare the warnings, and to suggest ways to be ready for both the catastrophes and what follows. If anyone else senses a call to join in, by all means, let’s work together as much as we can. But let’s be real: There are limits and we must discern and appreciate them.

My convictions say this is not The End, not yet. Yet, I suspect few of you reading this will survive. I’m certain I won’t. All I’m doing is planting the seed of how to keep the gospel witness alive for whatever tomorrow it is that comes.

I’ll reiterate that the American Redoubt is well positioned for a higher than average survival rate. Discussing the particulars serves little purpose; that I sense it in my bones is enough reason to believe it. God favors that general location for His own inscrutable reasons. If you sense the call to go there, be aware of what you will face, as the rising political power there will include a lot of Christian Nationalism’s influence.

Oddly enough, Christian Reconstruction is more of the Presbyterian/Reformed traditions, and that means it rejects the Dispensational heresy. Yet, among the Christian Nationalists also gathering in the American Redoubt, I won’t suggest an absence of Dispies, just not a full-blown Christian Zionism. I note that the American Redoubt leadership loudly welcome Jews to move there. Still, I believe Dispensational religion will take a major hit.

All the more so as I expect Israel to go away. I believe that lie is about to die. It will be hard to maintain the Dispie heresy when the object of their hope disappears. I still foresee an exodus from mainstream churches that rely on Zionism as part of their identity. I sense that Zionism’s power will climax just about the time Israel is crushed — whatever that means in detailed terms. All I can see is the absence of Israel’s false presence in the future.

But make no mistake, the Devil’s Chosen will still be around in one form or another, by whatever name they use in the future. It’s anybody’s guess how he will use them, but I seriously doubt there will be anything new.

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2 Responses to Another Vision of the Future

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    I had a friend who was into Piper before he got woke (I don’t know in what manner he got woke, but that seems to be the criticism). He spoke highly of him, but I have no opinion on him since I rarely read any theology. I’m not up on the “Christian celebrity thinker” industry/scene. I already do that still somewhat with music, but to do that with pastors or preachers feels off-putting to me.

    • ehurst says:

      It goes back to the question of Big Eva (“Big Evangelical”). There’s a huge market for information out there. People naturally want to believe they are on the right track, so they are keyed into listening to things that confirm their bias. Once you confirm that bias, anything else you want to add to the message is absorbed as well. It’s all a matter of intellectual stimulation and entertainment. Big Eva is a collective that has seized control of this market; if you want to be in on the market, you must go by Big Eva rules. Piper is a part of this market control group. As you say, “Christian celebrity thinker”.

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