The Big Reset

In general, western women are evil, American women in particular.

We have noted the situation we are in. The feminist cult (female supremacy) has locked up all opportunities for the future, so that there can be no marriage and family, can be no love and structure to society. What God says must be done cannot be done by men of good will. And there are so few women of good will that they might as well not exist.

This civilization cannot be saved. The sickness is terminal. There is only one solution: The civilization must be destroyed. We did not take care of the problem ourselves, so God is going to do it for us. And in the process, we will be dispossessed from the land, because we were unwilling to take the measures God required. We have failed the covenant.

What was it we failed to do? We should have seized the social controls, by violence if necessary. But the civilization we had was based on feminine moral superiority, so it’s only natural that western men cucked and simpered totally from the very beginning. Had the West actually been following Christ, we would have rejected that pagan background and restructured everything to God’s liking.

He defined the role of women, and we never had it, not even for a moment. He defined the role of men, and that was also missing from the start. The West has never been Christian by the biblical definition. Men reign; when they do not, everything is broken. Female humans are not women when males are not men.

Do you understand that civilization is just a layer on top of the fundamentals of society? If you don’t have the proper foundation, a civilization cannot endure on its own. It’s nice to have, but the moral fundamentals are the absolute necessity.

The Lord will reduce us to a level of existence that forces us to live fundamentally, mere survival. Human instincts will be restored and men will reign again. It will be ugly and brutal. When God’s wrath falls, most of the human race will be wiped from the surface of this planet. It’s time for a big reset. Failure to adapt means the vast majority of westerners will never make it.

We who live today, most of us will be around to see this shocking level of destruction.

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