Not Merciful and Kind

In response to a private conversation, I feel the need to reiterate a fundamental truth from Scripture: Your fleshly nature is not the real you. If you are among God’s Elect, then your fleshly nature is something you are compelled to drag around, the vessel that carries your soul through this fallen world. You cannot trust it; the flesh always lies.

Your guilt complex is part of the flesh. That kind of dead weight on your soul will not follow you into Eternity. Guilt over imperfection stays in this world.

This is particularly important when we think about the social conflict between males and females. Scripture says quite flatly that women are morally subordinate to men. I won’t use the word “inferior” because of the false baggage attached to it, but Paul makes the point that Eve was morally deceived, while Adam knew better. Women are not equipped with a full depth of moral discernment. And that we are discussing this in light of the Fall in the Garden of Eden is proof that men are not inherently superior in moral discernment, but they can be.

Adam was tasked with guarding the boundaries and failed because it’s hard work, not because he needed a woman’s guidance.

This is the nature of things. Men will ever be imperfect, and women are obliged to accept that. The definition of manhood includes dragging around a fleshly nature that will fight against God’s truth every step of the way. A great many moral failures of men are simply part of the package. Whatever it is women imagine they should demand is all wrong. God’s broad general requirement is that a woman walk from one moral covering to another. She’s under her dad until she’s married.

Meanwhile, a man should aspire to moral virtue, all while knowing he will struggle in way or another. We don’t have in our American Christian culture a kind of hero who knows he is flawed and still drives forward because the mission comes first. Paul makes much of men who pay no real attention to what’s in the mirror, until the Spirit comes and holds up a mirror in their souls.

But God does not operate by the fleshly standard of guilt and penalties. He does not engage in forensic examinations; it’s not a question of legal standing. We bandage our spiritual wounds and keep moving forward, because He doesn’t drop us simply because we make mistakes. The biblical standard of manhood includes the idea that some of us have to use various prostheses to keep going because some choice we made back in the past took away something we cannot recover. There are plenty of issues in this world where you get only one shot, but the mission does not end simply because you missed that shot.

This is the biblical standard, and God condemns the current mythology by which women demand men who don’t exist. Worse, men like that should not exist; women should wake up and recognize that their myths are from Hell. American women are not just wrong, but very deeply, hellishly wrong. “They will be saved in childbearing” means that, as a general expectation, she needs to embrace the man God brings into her life, settle in and build a family with him. Her dreams and plans don’t mean crap; she must embrace his. And she is supposed to honor and love him and obey, while he cherishes and protects her and provides what he can.

Women who claim God has called them to something else are lying to themselves. In Scripture, the only exception to motherhood is chastity and community service. Your choices are limited, ladies, but they are for men, too. This is the Word of God, and all this flouting is bringing down wrath on America. Because of the lies by which people live today, tomorrow will be Hell on Earth, because we have steered ourselves into Satan’s hands. The Devil is not merciful and kind.

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One Response to Not Merciful and Kind

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    This feels important, Ed. There’s too much at stake in men’s lives to ignore the ideas you’re getting at here.

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